One or two tricks for Solars, based in contemplation of Blade of the Battle Maiden and combat sorcery.
Harmonious (Ability) Enlightenment
Cost: None; Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 5; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: Infinite (Ability) Mastery OR (Ability) Essence Flow
The Solar Exalted are unmatched in their prowess, and the harmony between their intent and their Essence is absolute. With this Charm, the Lawgiver integrates the supernal power of his Charms flawlessly into his actions, making them a natural extension of his will.
Whenever the Solar uses the First or Second Excellency to augment a roll, his (Ability) rating is considered 1 higher for every mote he spends (one point per die or two points per success). Effectively, he considers the Excellency a natural extension of his own skill. This does NOT add any additional dice to the roll, nor does it permit the Lawgiver to break the die-adder cap for his Exalt type, but it does enhance Charms or abilities which depend on the character's score in the Ability, and it explicitly enhances any roll to determine contested Charm effects of this action.
Additionally, the Solar may define one condition or action, such as "Cast Sorcery" or "if I am attacked while asleep" under which an Excellency will be applied automatically. This application is not a voluntary action, although the Solar may reflexively choose not to apply the Excellency, and so may trigger even when Inactive or effectively so. Without the use of (Ability) Essence Flow, however, it still counts as the use of a Charm. Additional conditions may defined at the cost of 1 experience point per condition, to a maximum per Ability of the character's Essence.
At Essence 6, if the Solar has mastered both Infinite (Ability) Mastery and (Ability) Essence Flow, the former is enhanced in its application. If the character has committed motes to Infinite (Ability) Mastery, every (Ability) action he takes this scene is considered enhanced by an Excellency (of the character's choice) on which he spends no motes. Like the conditional activation defined above, this is not a voluntary reflexive action and thus may be used while Inactive. If the character committed less than his maximum number of motes to Infinite Mastery, he may choose to spend more Essence up to the normal die-adder cap as a voluntary reflexive action, as normal.
Designer's Notes: This is primarily intended as a die-adder for sorcery, since you can define "Cast Sorcery" or "when attacked while spellcasting" for Occult and Melee/Dodge respectively. It also enhances Charms like Flickering Wisp Technique and Glorious Carnage Typhoon, of which there are surprisingly few in the Solar charmset on reflection -- it does work wonders for spells, though, since many are based on base Occult.
(Ability) Essence Mastery
Cost: None; Mins: (Ability) 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
Keywords: None
Duration: Instant
Prerequisites: (Ability) Essence Flow
As the Lawgivers grew into their powers, they each found themselves with a favored set of Charms. Through practice and dedication, they learned to harmonize themselves with the Essence of those Charms, using and wielding them as instinctively as all Exalted wield the basic powers called Excellencies.
This Charm allows the Solar to designate a number of (Ability) Charms equal to half his permanent Essence as "Excellencies." They benefit from any enhancement Charms which refer to the first, second and third Excellencies in their effects: Infinite (Ability) Mastery reduces their cost, and (Ability) Essence Flow allows the Solar to activate them without the activation counting as a Charm use. Effects of enhancement Charms which do not apply to the chosen Charms are ignored, and all restrictions applicable to the chosen Charms' effects are applied. No Charm subject to one of the Four Flaws of Invulnerability may be chosen for (Ability) Essence Mastery.
Something to make Mastery and Flow a little more useful, in comparison to certain other Charms out there.