Today's disk: shoulders and arms. I was dreading that it was the pull-ups day, but it's mostly freeweights. Last week I wasn't aware that I was supposed to be tracking reps until I was into the workout, and I wasn't about to stop everything and go dig up my worksheet print outs. This week I was prepared. Really pushed it with the weights (as well as I could considering I still have only 3 and 8 lb hand weights) and may have overdone it a hair; my upper back / between the shoulder blades area is really complaining at the moment, and since I tend to sleep on my side, I doubt it'll improve overnight. But we'll see. Stranger things have happened.
I suspect I did some of the exercises (like the seated rows) more correctly, and I did most of the curl-type exercises with the 8 lb weights, to the point where I did 8-10 reps instead of 12-14; I know, for the Lean variant I'm supposed to use lighter weights and higher reps, but I do have to start pushing myself a little, if I want to see results before week 11. For some of the tricep moves, I did start with the 8's, and then switch to the 3's when everything started falling to crap, form-wise.
I waited about 10 minutes after the upper body workout before I started Ab Ripper. To confess, I was hitting F5 on the Woot-off repeatedly. ;) I still kept my goal to do 15-20 reps instead of 25, to make sure I don't injure myself and be on the bench for days. A few things are going better... the "do a sit up from lying flat on your back" one I was able to do about 8-10; week 1 I think I did 3. So small improvements.
The funny thing is, if there's any change I notice in my body, it's in my quadriceps, right above my knees. The muscle is flatter now. Just a hair, but it's different. Wonder when the rest of me (ie my midsection) will start firming up. Any day now would be nice...