Well, my meet for tomorrow has been cancelled due to smithsburg being unavailble for most events...(rain or something like that shit) The meet on tuesday is iffy aswell!! >_<; they said it was because theres supposed to be this big rain storm or something...whatever!!!! Now i can understand the flood watches and stuff b/c when i go running...the
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im not gonna say why i haven't updated in a while cause i can't...i dont know why, guess i just haven't been in the mood lately, or well...in the past few months...hmm...i dunno, too much to do and alot's been on my mind lately
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Finally its about time we have summer va-cay! WOO! I can't wait till 3:45a.m. tomorrow morining cause thats when we go to the vineyard! WOO! i can't wait! it's gonna be a 10 1/2 to a 9 1/2 hour drive but we're taking 81 this time... it should be about 9 1/2 hours...i can't wait...it's gonna be awesome to be back at the vineyard again! I missed the
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