was probably the best day of my life. EVER.
- went to mass to visit my grama and sat outside all day
- hung out with laura
- went to the mall with laura
- visited PS haa balh ablhabal
- balh ablahbalhabhla
- went to joes
- went home
- thea and caitlin picked me upp
- met andy nicole and other people at leda lanes and bowled. did terrrrrrrible but did you expect anything good.
-came home.
except i accidentally started a fire at joes
i was all hayy im gonna start a fire, and i put the straw wrapper
in the candle and i thought it wouldnt catch but it did and then here i
am with a flaming wraper in front of me, its notlike big enough for me
to panic but im just kinda lookin around adn stuff and so i put my
glass on it and it went out. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
i hate making posts about the things i do so i hope i made that quick.