Yo, Aeris! We really gotta get together soon! My new pal Rikku and I got you one of those Sphere Grid things, 'cause Cloud said you could use one. We got you one that's got white magic already, but you're gonna hafta find the spheres or whatever to stick in it for black magic... I don't really know how that works, an' all.
(Just don't ask where we got it, okay?)
Oh, P.S., teach me to come back from the dead.
Man, are you sure I can't get swirly eyes like yours SOMEhow? I mean, those just totally kick ass, girl! Anyway, like, after this big game thing comin' up, you gotta teach me this Blitzball stuff. We could put together a whole team of thieves! We beat the other Blitz team, and rob 'em blind at the same time!
Found you a Sphere Grid too, you can get it from Rikku or something. It had something called "Armor Break" on it, and that sounds like your sorta thing with your bigass sword. (Which I'm sure isn't compensating for anything, but I'd hafta ask Aeris, I guess. n.-)
By the way, I think you Blitzball guys need to clean out that sphere-whatever-it-is you swim in, from a distance I saw some giant blue beetle with white hair or something swimmin' around in it. o.o;