Rose-chan's Guide to Soul Fragments

Nov 18, 2007 09:39

Inspired by a recent post here by
xxbakura_ryouxx, I decided I shold show you some notes- a 'guide' per say- about Soul Fragments. I wrote the second part of this during ISS (In-School-Suspension) this week. All I did was type them up and post them here, word-for-word. The first part was typed yesterday straight onto my PC. It was pretty much spur-of-the-moment, so if it sucks... >_<

I hope this helps anyone who's confused.


Only a handful of people in history have had the ability to create separate beings from emotion; soul fragments, There is usually about 500 years between one person with this power and the next. But this power is not a blessing- not at all.

A person with the power to create soul fragments is called a 'host'. When the host feels a certain negative emotion, such as anger, or sadness, or anything else opposite of 'positive' feelings, these emotions separate from the host and then turn into 'fragments'. Fragments are connected to the soul of their host, and reside in their mind. These two connections are critical; they are what sustain the soul fragment and make it grow. When the host feels the emotion the soul fragment was created from, the emotions travels through the connection into the fragments, making it grow stronger. This process will go on until fragment is strong enough to then take over body of their host; the one and only purpose of a soul fragment!

Each soul fragment has its own personality and distinct ways of speaking and acting, and it stays that way constantly, no matter who the host is or what time period. The only variable in the behavior of a soul fragment is its amount of power, which depends mostly on the amount of emotion exerted from it’s host, but also by the intensity of the emotion it’s born from (‘Rage’ is stronger than ‘Annoyance’).

No matter what emotion a soul fragment represents, the fragments will always resemble its host, save for a few differences in features. This usually refers make up: many soul fragments have distinct markings and patterns on their faces, in a tribal and exotic style. Another variable is facial features. Most soul fragments created from sad feelings have dark circles under their eyes, and paler skin than their original host. Fragments created by manic emotions tend to have darker skin, and distorted features. Fragments also have different hair styles at times. An example is if the host wears their hair down, a fragment may appear having its hair in ponytail or bun (or spiked up like they just stuck a fork in electrical outlet). Clothes change as well, along with any accessories. But even with these changes, fragments still have a strong resemblance to their hosts.

Whether the host is male of female, a soul fragment should always be refered to as an ‘it’. Also, soul fragments fall under the category of a demon, as they are formed by pure negative energy.

There are hundreds of known soul fragments, but since there has only been a few people who have served as hosts throughout time, who knows how many there truly are...

Malik’s Soul Fragments So Far...

Hatred - Mariku. ‘Nuff said.

Depression - Depression is created by thoughts of abandonment and confusion, as well as stress. It is a ‘poor me’ type of demon, in that it doesn’t appreciate anyone trying to help its host. Also, it can be someone-what childish and rude at times, teasing and mimicking enemies. Depression will torture its host with illusions and memories so that they drown in self-pity, providing emotional energy for it to grow stronger

Despair - Despair is much more sadistic and cruel than Depression. It is said to be the most dangerous soul fragment a host can create, because of its destructive behavior. Despair believes death is paradise and wants to bring its host into death along with it. It does this by torturing them mentally and physically, until they are in so much pain, they commit suicide in an attempt to escape it. This is the main difference between Despair and other fragments: it wishes to kill its host right away, instead of leeching off them like a parasite. Despair seems to do this to share the “art of suicide” and the “satisfaction of death” with its host, though it could also be that it enjoys torturing humans and watching us surrender to what we fear: death.

Jealousy - Jealousy is not a very strong soul fragment compared to others. It is relatively easy to defeat just by the host identifying who they are jealous of and admitting they’re wrong- whether it be out loud or in their head. On the other hand, if jealousy grows out of control in a short period of time, it can be nearly impossible to banish.

Frustration - Frustration is a stubborn, crafty, and easily-annoyed soul fragment. It is blind to common sense, making it a formidable enemy, since it is determined to fight to the death, even when the odds are against it, or when its goal is impossible to achieve.

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