Summary: Mating season is beginning and it is the first year for the lads of One Direction. In two weeks they will be heading into the woods to claim or be claimed as mates.
Disclaimer: i do not own anything.
There was really no reason to be nervous, yet he still was. Sleeping was pretty much out of the question as he turned to look at the clock in the dark, reading 3:48 after his eyes adjusted.
Tomorrow was a big day. Well not really, in the scheme of things, but it was the start of the rest of his life. It sounds cliché and dorky but tomorrow marked the countdown to the day that would change his life forever. Tomorrow was the in-class training.
Every year, in two weeks time, mating season began. It was a normal, average, ever occurring time in which men and women who had turned 19 that year would enter the woods for a week and come out with a life long mate.
Children were prepared for this special day as they grew up. It would begin at birth. A child would be kept in the hospital after birth for as many weeks as it took for his or her personalities, and with them each child’s distinct scent, to become apparent. When they did it became obvious whether they were dominant wolves, likely alphas or betas, or submissive mates. Each child would be sorted between the two groups for future reference. When growing, their parents often told children what the wonders of having a mate were, with some idea of what to expect, without revealing the secretive practise that was the first mating ritual.
This year was to be his first mating season and just a few, short weeks he would have a mate.
Tomorrow marked the first day of a two week long class, a crash course really, on what to expect in the woods, as well as what would be expected of him as a submissive mate. He really had no idea what to expect so he was left feeling both nervous and excited the night before this important class started. It would mark the first time that the young submissive would meet and study with their prospective mates.
His mate was predetermined, everyone’s was, but no one knew who it was until the season began in two weeks. When the wolf senses came in full force, in the nineteenth year, and mating season started each person apparently just knew. But in class, the weeks before that, many students spent their time chatting and ultimately flirting with each other scouting out, and in some cases making bets, on their possible companions.
Tomorrow he would start the process that would end with a lover. He really couldn’t find fault in himself for being nervous. He flipped himself over in his bed to reach for his phone. Despite the late hour he found himself texting his friend.
Louis, please tell me it will be ok?
He lied back, knowing that Louis was likely sleeping and it would take him a while to return his text. However, a few minutes later his phone vibrated with a new alert.
Niall you idiot! I was out, out! But no you had to wake me up from my fragile state. Just sleep. Worry about it in the morning.
Niall found he didn’t have reason to argue with that. So righting himself on the bed, Niall closed his eyes and did as Louis suggested.