Title: Oneshot: Somewhere, a Clock is Ticking { ReitaxRuki }
Author: yujira
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Drama, Angst, Ruki POV
Warnings: Character death
Summary: There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.
Disclaimer: Don
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Comments 12
You don't need to do anything for the moment yet.
Let it all out. Cry for the whole week if you must.
But then, you must give a time limit for how long you are to dwell in this emotion. You need to pick your pieces back and rebuilt yourself right after the time limit given.
after all, you can't linger on with the past for too long.
"For every single thing that happened in the past, it is the reason for the future"
idk if it helps. but we can keep on talking =)
Though yes, I don't want to lose sight of life, I want to look forward to it again.. and well, my family also keeps an eye on me so I guess I can make it, someday.
Thank you very much for the support. It means a lot to me.
This is amazing though. I LOVE YOU!
awww poor Ruki.. being reject omg.. that must hurt!
Hmm yeah. Life can be such a bitch, huh?
it's like unfair when you can telling bad about someone died, that you should forgive them, and the most unfair is you don't know if they forgave you or not since they couldn't talk to you anymore.
I wish the best for you.
ps. I stumbling through your journal, and I read some of your work,hope you don't mind....
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