Still not back 03

Jan 05, 2008 15:19


Borongós napok tûnjetek tova
Okkal szomorú ne legyél soha
Lépteid kísérje töretlen szerencse
Derûs percek rajzoljanak mosolyt a szemedre
Oszoljanak el az óévnek sötét árnyai
Gúzsból szabaduljanak a képzelet szárnyai

Új évet hozzon a nesztelen iramló idõ
Jöjjön már a rég várt, csodálatos jövõ

Évek ha múltok, ha elszálltok napok
Vidámságot, örömet számolatlan adjatok
Elfusson most az óévnek disznaja
Többé ne legyen senkinek panasza

Kerüljön betegség, bánat messzire
Írmagjuk is vesszen mind a semmibe
Vágyaid sorra valóra váljanak
Álnok szavak többé ne bántsanak
Növekedjen az igaz barátok tábora
Okosan élj, ne legyél ostoba
Kívánom neked, legyen 365 szép ünneped!


Well, I've got a HALF-LIFE 2 from my brother for my birthday, and when I visited the official page, I've seen the official trailer of Portal on the Orange box's site.


When I finally got my hands on it, I've played 8 hours with it, listening to the audio commentaries and stuff, then (after finishing the game) I've started to complete the bonus maps...

Anyway. I want to show you some fun things.

The fans of the game apparently fell in love with an element of the game. The Weighted Companion Cube. They put on sewing patterns of plushies and they have how-tos for the paper versions.
It even has fansites xD

But not only the Weighted Companion Cube... A Day in the Life of a Turret? xD has a funny christmas vid on now. :D (Well.. I guess it is only funny to the ones who played the game)

I don't really want to spoil anything, but MUST tell you that I lovelovelove the athmosphere of the game \(*_*)/
All the people who were working on it are so great!
Good news for me:
The author of one of my favourite tracks from the OST (the ending theme: Still Alive) put out the chords for the song *_*
Take a look around on his site.
He's cool :)



I've been reading a lot of stuffs (instead of studying for my tests *headdesk*) in these last days. I've discovered most of these thanks to my brother and Iceman (a guy I got to know through playing).


Pendulum - Slam ... Please watch till the end xD


Team Ryouku (acrobatics)
Beatbox Flute and Cello: Kojo no tsuki


Jeff Dunham & Achmed the dead terrorist (with Hungarian subs) - I hope nobody will feel hurt by this video... ._.
Guitar & Marionette - This one is pretty popular on our university. We are really a bunch of kids I guess... XD;;
Half-life in half an hour

People really don't think much when they are choosing a name for their company xD


There are really strange sicknesses out there
Morgellons. Ewww... D:
I look up to Nikolai Tesla, you probably know that. I was looking for stuffs about him, when I've found videos from tesla coils. [like thisone]
If you have time, take a look at the other tesla coil vids too. They are cool :)

I've read that Tesla worked at the company of Puskás Tivadar. O_O
This guy is interesting too~
John Hutchinson - TechTv
Oh, by the way.
I have a plant at home which can bloom in -10°C ...
Now I know why it is called Syberian Honeyberry. xD...
(In Syberia there are fields from this plant)



I've watched a lot of videos, and read a lot of things, which made me hate people to the point my stomach hurt.

Why can't everybody play nice?
Some people are only happy if they can crush somebody...
*end of rant *



I still have 10+ exams from 9 subjects. And I still haven't finished my Optomechatronics homework....

*sigh* D:



I guess I've missed a lot of things from JE things. I've heard that Arashi hosted the JE countdown, and I've also heard something about Uchi re- appearing somewhere... ._.



This is the Aranygaluska I ate.
My first non-diet food in the last month. *_*
A type of cookies with vanilla sauce and nut

When Microsoft unites with a Henkel...
Clin gets a "Windows" label xD (Clin is a window-cleaning liquid):

I was compleintg a registration form right after watching "Boys Love"...

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