Title: Maybe someday...
Pairing: Ohmiya, hint of Matsumiya
Rating: PG
Genre: angst
I've started to avoid touching him since I knew he was dating with her. It's about haft year ago.
I was shocked. I didn't know how I could react. Of couse, I always know this would happen someday. But I never expected it happened this early. But it wasn't early, was it? He was already 31. This wasn't strange if he dated with someone and thought about getting married. Or it's just me who though he would never left me after all.
Since that, I've watched him more. I noticed that he didn't have the sleepy look as much as before. Maybe it's because of her. And it hurted me too much, my heart tightened at the thought of that. I never though I feel about him in this way. And I just realized that I do love him, I love him so much. Why am I so stupid to not realize it earlier? What can I do now?
It's too late.
Since I didn't touch him as much as before, I've closed more with Jun. But whenever I was so close or did fan services with Jun, I felt like he stared at us, I noticed the lost in his eyes. And he ofter snuggles to me more, ofter touchs me more. I wonder if he did that? Or that's just my imagination? He's already have her, right? So why did he do that to me? Why? I shouldn't hope anything, should I? Everytime he rose my hope up, then I even hurted more. Why did he not let me go? Why?
Seeing his face, hearing his voice, feeling his warmth close to me almost everyday. It's so painful but also relieved. Someone says time would erase everything. Maybe I need time to get used to this and accept it. Maybe someday my heart wouldn't beat so rapidly when he's so close to me. Maybe someday I can let him go. Maybe someday....
This is my first fic. I'd never though I could write fic before. It is based on my true feelings when I heard rumors that Ohchan has a girlfriend and they've been dating for a yeah. And everything I feel when I watched Ohmiya lately. I just writed it as Nino POV. It's so hurt.
And this fic seem to have lots of mistakes. My English too bad >"< So tell me if you can't understand some lines or feel weird.
Hope you enjoy.
Ai đó thấy mình viết sai cấu trúc hay gì thì chỉ dùm mình nha ;______; Để rút kinh nghiệm, Engrish của mình thiệt tệ mà ;_______;