Yesterday I promised I wouldn't have kept spamming and I'm partially keeping my word by writing a single post for three different things that I have to say :p
1) July is ending already, so I have to wave goodbye to the Sakumiya header and unveil the new one...
August is Matsujun's month!! Let's celebrate him as well, okay? ;)
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Comments 15
Cavolo mi spiace per il ginocchio! ç__ç
sappi che anche se sarai lontana dal pc ti importunerò via sms, ohohohohohoh
...cmq sì, sei autorizzata ad importunarmi => DEVO avere un resoconto dell'album °____°
Vacations!!! even if hiatus means no more updates, I'm still happy for you yet your knee is not really trying to help you ne? =/
hanno una bella vacanza (did that came out alright!? well it's the thought that counts =P)
Oh yes, it's Matsujun's month after all, he deserves the very same treatment that the other members had before him! ;)
As for my knee... yeah, you'r right :/ it's not really the best timing to get hurt, but it doesn't matter: i'll just be lazy and i'll relax even more!! \o/
...while thinking at the new Arashi album °_° which I'll be unable to hear until I'll come back!! °_°
I'll do my best to check at my private messages though, if someone will leave some comments for me in order to let me know how wonderful it'll be... i'll be really happy! ;)
Lastly: thank you very much for your Italian message ^o^ You're really cute!!! ♥
Actually it's wrong, but it's a grammar mistake on the verb (which you can't possibly know :p) and I can completely understand what you're saying ^______^
is it: hai una bella vacanza right?
And, being portuguese, I should know that!! XD
cause we also have different words to each person in a verb, not like simple english verb conjugation ^_^
sorry but I like to learn this things, it's so much fun♥
Gomen, I said that you were wrong but I didn't gave you the solution! :P
Actually it's very simply: it's like "Happy birthday" in English, where you're not supposed to say "Have a nice birthday", or "Have a happy birthday"...
So, in Italian there's a fixed way to say "Have a good holiday" which is simply: "buone vacanze"
(don't ask me why we use the plural form, saying vacanzE instead of vacanzA... probably it's meant there will be a lot of them!! XD)
BTW... I agree... it's so much fun learning these things!! ♥
I expect you to teach me a little portoguese one day! ;)
Ci sto nella valigia?
Povero ginocchio çOç
E Junko lo ignorerò XD
Ma non l'ho deciso io!!!
Son loro che hanno annunciato l'uscita dell'album dopo che io avevo già fissato le ferie!! XD
Saranno le vacanze più irrequiete della mia vita :°D
Please let me read sexy Sakumiya~ <3<3<3
I didn't realize it too... :p
And you're lucky that I'm still around ;) (asking for friendship tomorrow could have been already too late... = two weeks of waiting!)
Here you are my dear ♥ ...enjoy the sexy Sakumiya!!! \o/
btw can i add you?
Enjoy my fics :3
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