SOS-Dan/from back home:
Kyon: ♥ Oh how she has missed this man~!
Suzumiya Haruhi: Likes her and now will stand by her side at all times... and is thusly terrified of what may happen to her.
Asahina Mikuru: ...
Koizumi Itsuki: ...
Tsuruya: Back on decent terms with.
Asakura Ryouko: Feels guilt for what she did to her and is trying to make up for it.
Island people:
Riku: Best friend... sorry Riku, but since Kyon showed up again, she FORCED how she felt for you down into... near non-existence. So she's going to try to avoid any situations that could undo that.
Sora: Great guy, really, need to talk more though.
Marona: Indifferent really.
Muhyo: Extremely cautious of this one.
MOMO: Likes her quite well.
Shadow: Prepared to kick his ass on command.
Yuffie: A friend... which she hasn't talked to in a long while.
Albedo: Completely fascinated by what she heard during the time when there were Albedo's everywhere. Also holds a form of respect for him when he said that destiny of the immortal thing.
Fish-Eye: Second thing ever to get on her 'Not to remain living' list. First being Asakura Ryoko, of course.
Fujioka Haruhi: Fairly decent feelings to her.
Laharl... well, his voice at least: Not at all pleased with this one.
Cierra: One of Yuki's better friends.
Roxas: Feels... sorrow from him, doesn't know why. And damn well confused about the mass similarities to Sora. Also gave Yuki a reason to put a hold on what she say's sometimes.
Light Yagami: Thinks he's nice and a smart man...
Alfons: Finds him to be likeable.
Misty: A nice, interesting girl. Likes her.
Kurogane: A tad wary of him.
Ryuuzaki/L (doesn't know his name though): Interesting.
Renge: Actually likes her! Although she's a bit confused about the names...
KOS-MOS: Only knows the blue eyed version thus far but... feels a form of similarity with her, although she does not know why.
Haine: Unknown for now. But interested in the fact he can't die.
Giovanni: No opinion.
Jack Spicer: Biggest idiot ever.
muZz!Edward: Interesting
Yoshitaka: Wants to punch his face in.
Haruko: Likes her pretty well.
Lloyd: Likes him.
Bo-bobo: ... Ouch. Brain.
That's all I remember at the moment.