Here we are again!
I really need to write something about the new Kisumai’s album, “Kis-My-World”.
I know it’s been a while since I wrote here the last time (and a lot of things happened and are still happening these days, and I’ll do my best to update you a bit this week), but for now I just wanna extern my feelings, cause I NEED IT!!!
So, let’s do it.
These are pretty much the very first impressions I had the first time I listened to the album.
4th Ouverture: It’s a good one!! I think it’s the best between all of them (until now). But to be honest there’s too much talking. Don’t take me wrong... I appreciate the fact everything is in English (and that English reminds me to Keito’s ones) buuuut... the music is so good ;____; it’s almost a shame that there’s a voice there. But I’m okay with it! It’s a good intro for this album!
Brand New World: It’s not the first time I listen to it. I've already liked it the first time! It’s catchy and all Kisumai sing, I can hear their voices. I'd like to read the translation ‘cause probably the lyrics are good too! I like songs who speak of journey, life and such! And it’s refreshing! (I still have to watch the whole PV XD I’m so behind with everything)
Kiss魂: Reminds me of France ;_________________; I’ve listened to this one a lot when I was there, so I’m a bit too much attached to it! It’s kinda weird ‘cause I haven’t watched the PV a lot, but I like the song anyway. It’s a rockish one, but it doesn’t bother me (much better than the rock version of Ai no beat)!!
Another Future: I don’t like it. It’s the theme of Tamachef 2 and as you probably know, My Resistance was the theme of Tamachef 1. It’s completely different and I was expecting A LOT… and it disappointed me :(
I even feel sorry, but it’s a NO.
FOLLOW: 100% a YES. Good vibes, danceable *___________* I wanna a live version of it, with a cool choreography (and cool outfits)!!!! And they all sing again! I’m not used to it ;__; Bu, it’s good!!! ;____;
君に会えるから: Okay I don’t know if it’s just me, but I really think this is the perfect sister of SNOWDOME no Yakusoku! I mean it. They sound similar! They’re both ballads, with soft melodies (and they’re talking of snow in this one too *____*). It’s lovely!! (AND THEY ALL SING AGAIN YEEEEE AVEX WHAT ARE YOU DOING?). And then there’s the Fujikita bit and it’s pretty!!! I like it! *__*
if: Another slow one. I don’t think I’ll listen to this one as much as the others, but it’s good! The piano bit it’s beautiful! I can see them wearing sparkly outfits at the concert while singing this song to warm the hearts of their fans! It’s not that original, but I think it’s a good song, not a bad one.
わんダファー (Watatai solo): I don’t know where to start with this one. I really hope they’ll wear puppy outfits at the concert XDD
Okay, I’ll try to be serious. It’s a simple song, not that original… BUT THE CONTEST IT’S TOO CUTE. I like how Fujigaya and Yokoo decided to sing a song about something they both love. As you know I don’t particularly like dogs, so I was not THAT excited, but the whole thing (waning and kids included) it’s just too cute XDDD And I think that the song it’s enjoyable. Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% happy that Yokoo got to sing with Fujigaya *________* I can’t wait to see them together on a stage, interacting and singing a song they both like… <3
BE LOVE (Miyatama): Even if they call themselves Tamamiya, I’ll keep calling them Miyatama.
This song surprised me a lot. I wasn’t expecting something like this. It’s catchy and enjoyable. I like how their voices match together. I’d like to read a translation of this one, ‘cause I bet it has good lyrics! The music is good *_________* I really really like it *___*
Double Up (Nisen): Senga’s voice is not my favorite one, but NIKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ;_______; They’re rapping too!! The song is not the one I prefer. I don’t know… it has something that bothers me, but I don’t know what. I just probably need to listen to it a bit more. Sorry XD
証 (Fujikita): Can I say something? I LIKE IT. I’m surprised *ahahah*. But it’s a good one. It’s a gentle song and I’m probably used to hear their voices sing together. I like the music too. Again, I’m curious to read the lyrics!!!! Aaaah, I’m really surprised, and happy. I didn’t particularly liked Fujigaya’s and Kitayama’s solos in KMJ (I’m not talking about Fire!), so I’m happy they have a good song this year ;__; It’s a YES!! (Plus the piano always catches me)
Shake Body: It’s okay, but it doesn’t tell me anything in particular… As Double Up, I don’t think I’ll listen to it a lot… XD
Perfect World: AAAAAAAH *_______* I like it ;_____; /FEELINGS/ Kis-My-Sharehouse ;_____; It gives me all the feelings hcugiufdghfdgdi
It’s a warm song and I don’t know but it’s one of those songs that I’d like to hug ;___; (I mean it… Have you ever felt the need to hug something unhuggeable? /neologism/) Btw, it gives me all the best and good feelings, so it makes me happy ;__;
Thank youじゃん!: It’s Xmas even if it’s July!!!! (But it’s still hot XDDD) I have to be honest. I don’t have this song on my mp3 player or anywhere else XDDD I really don’t know the words and such, but the song it’s good! I liked the video with all those Kisumais X°DDD And it’s an happy song /dances/
KISS & PEACE: Waaaa I like it! It’s a good and slow song, definitely good for a NO moment. (I’ve already said that I wanna read the translations of the songs??? ;;) I like it!!!
ドキドキでYEEEAAAHHH!!: what a title!!! XD At first I thought it was a Golden Bomber song! XDDD It’s not the genre I prefer, but it’s not that bad! They all sing and it’s kinda catchy and crazy X°DDD I think it can be a good song for a live!
Halley: I LOVE IT *________* I know they use this one for Moshimo Tours… (or maybe I’m wrong..) Btw it’s lovely and happy *____* I love the melody!!!
I have to be honest. I didn’t like Kis-My-Journey at all. I’ve started to listen to it just a few months ago… and now I’m used to it, but I didn’t like lots of songs back then.
They all sing together and my heart is basically exploding, because I was expecting something like this back in 2013 and it took forever to be a real thing (just 3 years, but hey…)
It’s a fresh album, with a mix of genres and I think it’s good for them all.
I think I’ll listen to it a lot *_____________*
So… what do you think about it???
I wanna write something about the remix album too, but I don’t know when I’ll be able to XD
Btw let me know your impressions!!!