Title: If my dreams came true...Chapter 5
Pairing: AkiXAsami... OC?
Rating: Definitely (still) safe~~
Disclaimer: I do not own viewfinder or any of its characters, all of them belongs to Yamane Ayano... Some of the characters are mine though... Shinji, Miyui and Dr. Yamagi are mine!! ^_~ and the others as well...
Summary: Aki saw something he never
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Comments 64
Great update babes. I'm so curious you have no idea :P
Just keep up the good work^^
It will definitely inspire me if you continue your fic... *giggles*
Glad you think so ran-chan.. ^__^ Been doing my best!! Thank you so much for reading!! *hugs you tight*
look forward to the next!! Thank you so much for reading!! *hugs*
Wonder what will happen to Aki....
and you have a cold too? >__< *hands you a tissue and medicine* get well soon! *hugs and rubs your back*
thanks for reading!!!!! ^__^
That was pretty long...
Looks like there will be confrontation..
C'mon Aki..Wake up...WAKE UPP!!!~
Thanks for the update..
Can't wait to see what will happen next..:)
lets see if they will meet up or not... *evil laugh*
Thanks for reading!! *hugs*
domo *bows* :^D
Glad you like it fuijio-chan! Good luck to the both of us in making our home works.. >__< just thinking about it makes my head hurt too... :P
thank so much for reading!!! *hugs and bows back*
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