If you have not read the first one yet, take a couple of hours (it is kinda long...)...please do so:
BAD NEWS (サイテイ!) All
BAD NEWS 2 said was:
Oncology is Tuesday (Today)
Only 1/3 of the tumor has been removed...
No more surgery...the doctors just can't do it. It would mess me up more.
Bad left scapula winging out...
Where we are now:
Finally Oncology accepted us...(they didn't the first time because of lack of some stupid card...which didn't matter...)
Chemo (Therapy): Oral =)
Radiation: 7 days a week, I forget how long
I cannot remember what else to say...
Oh, this is a good lyric from "Permit" by MELL:
"Someday, it will come to heal and will disappear"
Of course I have no idea of what MELL is refering to...but it sounds nice. Maybe it was the translator messing up MELL's Japanese lyrics (which have never been released) on purpose. =P