Just to type a quick reply.
I've been trying to get weened off of a steroid and have not been sleeping well for the past two months, as well as a host of other symptoms:
Fighting with my Mom
Weight gain
My legs becoming big
Then just reading online side effects:
blood clots,...bruises,..."cushingoid" symptoms (moon face, weight gain, high blood pressure, emotional disturbances, growth of facial hair in women), excessive hairiness, ...high blood pressure,...hives,...increased appetite,...irregular menstruation,..., perforated small and large bowel, poor healing of wounds,...tiny red or purplish spots on the skin,...weight gain.
..."This medication can aggravate existing emotional problems or cause emotional disturbances. Symptoms range from an exaggerated sense of well-being and difficulty sleeping to mood swings and psychotic episodes. If you experience any changes in mood, contact your doctor."
Oh, so now I know this... (sigh)
Otherwise, I'm OK. =)