Title: Angel in Black Chapter: Prologue Genre: Fantasy Summary: simply a non rhyming poem Author's Note: Something random, while watching Young Black Jack live-action SP. XD
Thank you. It's because Kamiki, Mirai, and Mayuko are pretty people. X3
I've never heard of it before (don't usually watch movie orz), but after I wiki it... @__@;; You're right, the premise is indeed very similar. Oops. lol
Comments 6
& somehow, this reminds me of "City of Angels.." Nicholas Cage? "Iris" song? Know what im talking about? xD lol
I've never heard of it before (don't usually watch movie orz), but after I wiki it... @__@;; You're right, the premise is indeed very similar. Oops. lol
you should watch it =) it's beautiful but sad at the same time
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