Hello everyone!
Here is my proper entry I promised yesterday. I went to sleep right after I came home from university. I was totally spent and I felt like getting sick again.
Today I feel a little bit better, but I have a headache again and I feel like getting a cold. I hope it's just the stress and lack of sleep right now.
Yesterday I was sooooo annoyed, even when I came home in the evening. Work is killing me right now, because I have so much to do, but I am only part time. I have more to do than every 40hour employee. It's really stressful.
And then there is the university....I don't want to go there, but I am in the middle of it, and the study isn't cheap, so I need to finish it. (It's around 3700 Dollar for the whole study....)
It's not that much in comparison to other countries and studies, but for here it's really expensive. And I think the study isn't really useful for what I want to make....so it feels like a big fail for me....
I went home earlier today, because I wanted to relax a bit in the afternoon. I have two days "free" from university, so I could watch some TV in the afternoon. ^^
Btw, have you seen Felix Baumgartner's jump? It was soooo thrilling....I really thought he'd die....
Click to view
If you haven't seen it, you need to watch it! It was soooo amazing.
Oh, and I watched some fandom-stuff today. I needed to rewatch Aiba's letter to the other members on 24h. :) He is soooooooo incredible sweet. <3
(It's with subs, just the beginning is raw. ^^)
Jun is such a cutie when he cries, and Ohno is just <3.
And I totally love the Sakuraiba moment when they start singing. I had to watch it twice to really believe that it is Sho who hugs Aiba. :D
And after him it's Jun!!! Yeah JunBa. ^^ I can't stop fangirling, even though this was years ago. ^^
I really got a bunch of great stories during the last weeks. I really need to post all the
je_philippines and
help_pilipinas stories - I will do this during the next days or week. ^^
I got some real good stories for exchanges. So if you find time to read, look at
fazlyn_n's story she wrote for me for the
kame_exchange you can find the first part
HEREIt's a MatsuKame story. I really totally loved it - so if you like Jun and Kame go and read it. :D <3
you_puzzle_me's story for the
pi_exchange. You can find the first part
HEREI sooo loved that story, so you really have to read it. <3 It's seriously one fo the best PiKame I've ever read. :D