Title: Fraser and Ray
Gift for:
zelempa Artist:
ria_oaks Rating: G
Fandom: Due South
Warnings: None
Artist's Notes: You mentioned liking handmade art in your
request, so I decided to try drawing a romantic colour pencil portrait
of Fraser and RayK. Then I saw your letter and you said that you like
post-series arctic romance, so I added in their arctic clothing from
CotW. :) I'm very happy with it, but unfortunately colour pencil
drawings don't seem to scan that well so the scan doesn't really do it
justice... a lot of the colour got lost in translation, even after
fiddling with brightness/contrast. You are certainly welcome to the
original, however - you can contact me after the reveal so we can set
that up.
As a bonus, since the scan was rather disappointing and also because I
thought it'd be fun, I've also included a semi-digital version. I
blurred all the pencil crayon lines then painted over it a bit. I also
added back in the light blue background that the scan completely
eradicated... It was fairly quickly done, but I quite like it anyway.
:) Hope you enjoy, and happy Yuletart!
Summary: Fraser and Ray share a moment on the Quest.