Courtesy of
Button Hook by Freaking Cage
Never by the27
Tangled Up in Yuu by Freaking Cage
Kanda's Birthday by darkX0Xninja
Tears by darkX0Xninja
Hit And Miss by Aerith Queen of Cetra
In Distress by Aerith Queen of Cetra
Counting Losses by Mad Half Hour
Angels of Snow by Shinigami Hunter
Put A Smile On by Shinigami Hunter
To Resist It Is Useless by Freaking Cage
Look At Me by Shinigami Hunter
Snow by Split Soul
Broken Threads by Aerith Queen of Cetra
Joy and Sorrow by darkX0Xninja
Lost? by the27
Objection! by Freaking Cage
Because of his words by the27
The Golden Rule by Aerith Queen of Cetra
Don't Protest by thepragmatist
A simple Favor by Shinigami Hunter
A Little Bird Told Me by Freaking Cage
Year's End by M03-DZM
Severed Synapses by Aerith Queen of Cetra
Lacking by Freaking Cage System Malfunction by Aerith Queen of Cetra
All Your Fault by the27
Entrapped by EATnRunBandit
A moment before Xmas by seasnake.756
Make it Last by Novelist Pup
13 HOURS by darkotter
Seven Sides of Yullen Love by Darkbrokenreaper
We exist, We reincarnate by Chiyon Shi
Floral Spectrum by Aerith Queen of Cetra
Of Soba and Mitsurashi Dango by darkX0Xninja
Seven Days by darkX0Xninja
Dreams by darkX0Xninja
Innocence High by darkX0Xninja
On that day when we first met by the27
Yuuletide by Abreaction
Begin the End by Shinigami Hunter
You and Me, That's All We Need by Sephant
Not Quite Paradise by xmystorytime
Kanda by Freaking Cage (Yullen Week Bonus by Author)
Author Profiles:
Mad Half Hour Freaking Cage the27 darkX0Xninja Aerith Queen of Cetra Shinigami Hunter Split Soul thepragmatist M03-DZM EATnRunBandit seasnake.756 Novelist Pup darkotter Darkbrokenreaper Chiyon Shi Abreaction Sephant xmystorytime If you know any stories/works that hasn't been included in the list, please do kindly inform us. Thank you :)