I'm posting another scanlation already! Wasn't that quick? Now I totally deserve a round of applause for that! *whack*
Okies~~ So as you can see, I'm skipping around a lot again~ But don't you worry, the chapters aren't related to each other directly so I can rearrange the chapters all I want and it won't make a single different to you who will be reading it~~ =w=
So here you go~ Chapter 33 of WaiWai Hey!Say!JUMP~~ ♥♥
Now before you read, just a few notes to keep in mind:
this chapter is about Valentine's day~ Valentine's day in Japan is a bit different to the western world.
First of all, they mainly give chocolates (usually girl to boy) and those who receives chocolate should return the favor on white valentine (14 March). Also, they abbreviate the world chocolate to just choco sometimes so when the space isn't enough on the page, I used that abbreviation as well! Enjoy~♥
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Other chapters I've completed previously:
Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 24Chapter 30See how much I skip around? Don't whack me, I'm only doing the more interesting chapters first ><
I've just put in my order for the next year's JE calendars~~ OMG, I'm like the biggest spender ever!!! Now I have to save money for A.B.C-Z's debut DVD~~~~ $$$
The next few days I'll be a bit busy with work (what kind of a horrible boss makes their staff work over night shifts in New Year's Eve?!), I'll try getting as much done after NYE~~Until then, HAPPY NEW YEAR! xD