Kanjuu Xmas con: 7West talk about Yuma

Dec 04, 2011 23:23

Kanjuu Xmas cons started with 7West on 03.12. and 04.12. and even though Yuma didn´t appear as special guest sadly, West members mentioned his name randomly in their MC talks on both days.  XD

- shows on 03.12. -

* Ryuusei:  "Just the other day, Yuma and me went to karaoke together, but he didn´t change at all (lol)!"
  Shihe/Shinpei : "I know, I know !"
  Ryuusei: "He´s always choosing songs of Sada Masashi (just type さだ まさしin youtube to check out his songs)"
  Shige: "Yuma´s so old / oldfashioned!"
  Shinpei: "He´s also often singing "飾りじゃないのよ涙は" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYrDMsS0rtI
So Yuma likes old songs ne ^^    Already in a RC episode in March 2010 he said that he likes Sada Masashi and in RC he also mentioned that he likes to sing "Kaguya Hime" in karaoke too. There are two versions of かぐや姫 on YT of the same singer, I don´t know which one Yuma means. And then Hideaki Tokunaga´s "Rainy Blue", Yuma loves this one too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9hydcwgtns     I also like "Rainy Blue" ~~ ^^         I think it makes Yuma even more likeable that he loves old japanese songs and singers, which is rather unusual among teenagers. .

* Ryuusei: "With the help of Yuma, I got Tsubasa´s phonenumber and since then we are exchanging mails.  Even today he sent me a mail : so your concerts start from today, please give your best!"
Tsubasa is really a good sempai and I imagine him and Ryuusei exchange mails more often than with Yuma, because Yuma is just so bad at replying LOL

- shows on 04.12. -

* Shige: When I was doing Shounentachi is Tokyo´s Nissei, I got fanletters everyday. But there was one fan who wrote:
 "Doumo Shigeoka-kun, I´m a Nakayama Yuma fan. Please tell Yuma about it, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!"
Haha, poor Shige ! XDD

* Shinpei was saying how he likes Tongari Corn´s cute dance and that Yuma was teaching him that dance. Then he proudly mentioned that he´s abe to dance it now.  After saying this, Shige suddenly started to dance the Tongari Corn dance XD
Oh I want to see, I want to see!!!

* During the MC the microphone fell down or so and Shinpei laughed and told that just recently he went to karaoke with Yuma, Shige and Kotaki. It was Shige´s turn to sing and Yuma was so much in hightension and was swinging his arms when accidently Yuma´s hand hit the microphone which crashed hard on Shige´s front teeth.  Shige immediately called his mother in order to make an appointment for the dentist quickly.
LOL I imagine how wild Yuma was at that time, reading how much he was swinging his arms and hitting the microphone XD Was he dancing or what?!     I imagine Yuma apologized a lot to Shige after that lol
But I´m glad to read that he went often to karaoke with West members recently and seems like they had lots of fun together XDD

* Shige was saying that he asked Kanju how they would call their child in the future.  Kiriyama would call his baby "Matsuri", may it be a boy or girl and Yuma would give the name "春" (Haru means spring) to his son~ ^^

Tomorrow there will be BAD, Hamada and Veteran cons so I guess they won´t mention Yuma.

fanreports, 7west

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