Title: Family Dinner
Pairing: Sakumoto
Rating: PG-13
Drabble (a bit longer though)
arashiforyouGenre: romance
Summary: Sakurai family dinner. Awkwardness shall be your second name. The only reason Jun attends it is to be there for Sho.
Note: I wrote a bunch of drabbles for the lovely people that kinda helped me throughout the last year (for example with betaing, or with being awesome, or just being around <3) Like
silverdoll14 and all the other lovely Sakumoto shippers <3 This is the first drabble (there is more to come :D)
Sakurai family dinner. Awkwardness shall be your second name. This though Jun has prepared himself extra this time, researching hours and hours about international politics, economics, and financial world. He can name most of Europe’s leaders, some Secretaries of the U.S. and the most important stocks, including their stock index. However, it’s all in vain. He should have known. He could be a Nobel Prize winning scientist or rule the world, and it wouldn’t change a thing.
It’s not like anyone keeps insulting him, but there are ways to make one feel uncomfortable and point out how less you think of him without using direct words. He keeps his face straight though and stays polite, like he is not noticing anything, mainly for Sho because otherwise he would have already stood up and went home. Matsumoto Jun, your second name shall be Don’t mess with me or someone who is dear to me, except when it unfortunately concerns Sho and is important to him.
When the women of the house goes to the terrace, and the men to the salon, Jun follows the only whole-heartedly, warm, and friendly person - the maid Kawamura-san, an older woman who has been around in the household since forever - and helps her carry some of the heavy plates to the kitchen, something that most likely will disqualify himself even more in Sakurai-patron’s eyes. However, he couldn’t care less. He is doing all he can to stay sane here and not jump into anyone’s face or tell them his very distinctive opinion about what he thinks concerning the way the family treats Sho. For someone like Jun whose emotions easily come through it’s more difficult to hold back than he anticipated, but he knows he can manage somewhat.
The second reason for following the maid is that the chicken she prepared was so delicious that Jun just has to know how she made it.
“Really?” Kawamura-san smiles, her brown eyes gleaming with warmth. “I’m glad you liked it. I can give you the receipt if you wish. You cook?”
“Yes, sometimes, when I have time,” Jun explains, watching how she scribbles some ingredients and instructions on a sheet of paper. “I like cooking. And I try to do it as often as possible because Sho-san can’t cook to save his life.”
“That is true.” She laughs. “I’m so relieved, Matsumoto-san. My sweet Sho managed to get himself a good person,” she says all of a sudden.
Jun blinks and blushes at the same time. “Sorry?”
“I said you are good guy.” She smiles and hands him the paper before she leaves the room. For a moment Jun stays in silence, enjoying not being around anyone of this family right now. Then, someone coughs. Jun turns around and blinks. “Sho-kun?”
“She is right,” Sho says and leans against the counter. “You are too good for me. Thanks for playing along and for being here.”
“Well, it’s nothing,” Jun mumbles.
“It is a lot,” Sho intervenes. “And I’m sorry. To imagine how kind your mother always treats me and how she even called me for my birthday, and how your father at least tries to wrap his mind around us being together, and even invited me to your strictly family-only New Year’s celebration. I’m sorry I can’t give you any of that.”
It sounds bitter. The kind of bitter that makes Jun’s stomach clench painfully. “Don’t do that,” he says softly. “Don’t make it your fault and don’t apologize.”
Sho shrugs. “Well, I guess for my family I’ll always remain the black sheep. It’s always been like that, and it won’t change.”
“A black sheep that’s providing them with millions,” Jun mumbles.
Sho blinks. “Hm?”
“Nothing.” Jun shakes his head. There are times for being sarcastic. This is not. Jun reaches out his hand, his thumb brushing over Sho’s lips softly. “You are not a black sheep, Sho. You are extremely successful and well-respected, you earn a lot of money, you even managed to become a newscaster, you finished an elite school and university. That is a lot. Who else achieved so much in your family?”
“It doesn’t count much for them,” Sho says.
“Well, then it doesn’t. But it should count for you,” Jun muses. “And it just so happens that I’m extremely proud of you.”
Sho smiles carefully. “Really?” Jun nods, and for a moment Sho takes his hand and squishes it. “Thanks for keeping up with me,” Sho sighs. “With this, I mean. I know it’s not easy and I hate bringing you along, but not bringing you would make it even worse for my family. In his own twisted way, my grandfather seems to like you because you make things less tense. And thanks for taking up with my depression whenever we are here. But I realized something important recently.”
“And what’s that?” Jun asks curiously.
“I may be the black sheep of the family, and they may hate what I do and the way I live my life, but no one can take my happiness away from me. It’s my choice, and I love what I do, and I love the person I am with.” He squeezes Jun’s hand. “So, let’s get this over with and get home because I’m in desperate need of some cuddling.”
“I’ll cuddle as much as you want to,” Jun offers.
Sho chuckles. “You are such a marshmallow sometimes. But I’ll take you up on that offer, so be prepared.”
Well, he is.