Title: Idleness
Author: yume16
Disclaimer: I don't own people, but the crap my mind sprouts.
Beta: -
Pairing(s): KitaFuji
Rating: PG
Genre: awkward fluff (?)
Warnings: -
Summary: Kitayama feels utterly lazy, but of course he doesn't get the chance to do nothing at all.
Author Notes: I found this in my folder and if I don't post it soon, I won't post it at all. I know me.
It's late and Kitayama contemplates to stay where he is on his couch. There is another knock. With a sigh, he evaluates the steps to the door. If he got up now, he would waste energy for the effort to stand up, the energy for about twenty-three steps and the energy for raising his arm to touch the doorknob and turn it. Deciding that the energy for opening the door is really asked too much, he stays where he is. It's late, he worked and really, who is worth so much effort if they can't bother him earlier? Maybe he should sleep on the couch tonight? He feels kind of lazy.
Frowning, even though that uses energy, too, he curses the person whose knocking gets really insisting.
Groaning, Kitayama gets up. That person better wants nothing much from him.
"What?" He growls as he swings the door open and squints at his guest. Maybe he should have bothered to put on his glasses, but really, who went from comfortably vegetating to going at full speed?
The person is taller, wearing mostly black, a shirt with a pattern probably better seen without glasses, bling-bling, mop of hair, weird stance.
"What the fuck, Fujigaya?"
"What the fuck, Kitayama? Putting Speedy to shame again?"
"Give me one good reason to waste this evening? I am busy."
Fujigaya snorts.
"Busy sitting your couch in?"
"An honest task."
"Here is an honest task: Take one for the group."
"On work days, I only fuck till ten o'clock. You are an hour late."
"Getting antic, old man?" Fujigaya brushes past him and Kitayama sighs. Dealing with this one is a pain. Mainly, because philosophically reflecting on sweet idleness makes as much sense to Fujigaya as reading backwards.
"If you are that adamant, you are better ready to work your ass off and ride me." Kitayama frowns. Fujigaya is already sprawled out on his couch way to comfortably for his liking. If Fujigaya had been holding up a sign on which stood 'I am staying', it wouldn't have been any clearer.
"I am not here for sex."
Kitayama wonders whether his brain already went to sleep beforehand. He could have bet Fujigaya said something nonsensical just now.
"Can you spell it out for me?"
"I. Am. Not. Here. For. Sex!"
Kitayama decides it is in order to put on his glasses and validate identification. Even with glasses, he isn't sure what's on Fujigaya shirt, but he is sure he doesn't want to know.
"Why are you here?" He asks perplexed and Fujigaya sends him an annoyed look as if he really shouldn't ask that. He doesn't take it back though just to be sadistic. The younger one clicks his tongue.
"I am here because you are too lazy to spread rumours."
Kitayama realizes he is in for a long night so he decides to better sit down and safe energy. Fujigaya moves enough to give him some space on his own couch. Kitayama reminds himself to teach the brat some manners when he feels like it, just like he has been reminding himself the past ten years. Oh well.
"There are other people."
"Yeah right, Watta will just worry unnecessarily. Nikasen can't keep a secret to save their own lives. Miyata can't keep a secret from Tamamori and vice versa."
Kitayama takes note mostly of the beginning of the sentence. 'Watta will worry' equals 'not good'. 'Not good' equals 'a lot to take care of'. To sum it up, shit he doesn't need.
"Can we discuss this tomorrow afternoon?" He is really tired. They had seven hours of dance practice and every person not being Fujigaya or a supernatural being should be exhausted.
"Impatient brat."
"Lazy bum."
"Ass jokes are getting old."
"Don't tell me your ass is getting wrinkly?"
"Dream on." Kitayama says and looks very hard at Fujigaya. They have bumped heads long enough for the other to get the message and spill it.
Expectedly, Fujigaya looks away.
"I don't need sex. I need something else."
Kitayama searches his brain for worrisome matters where someone could need something.
"Do you need advice?"
"Oh please."
"Are you pregnant?"
It is a token of how long they know each other that Fujigaya only rolls his eyes.
"What? The chance that you could get knocked up tends to be higher than you knocking up a girl." Because Kitayama really isn't sure whether Fujigaya is supernatural or not, all is possible.
"I probably shouldn't have skipped the appointment by my gynaecologist. My bad."
Now that Kitayama is wearing his glasses, he can take note of more than just the other's silhouette. Fujigaya’s mouth is sourly pulled into a tight line. His shoulders bunched up. His arms wrapped around his upper arms and his Adam's apple keeps bobbing.
Kitayama has to seriously do something about this tonight. Fujigaya is wound tight. Not a sight anyone celebrates.
"What should I do?" Saying it without teasing or sarcasm helps. Fujigaya looks at him from the corner of his eyes.
"Everything in my life is about sex, sex appeal. It sells, it is expected, it is me."
"You want something else?" Kitayama's brain makes a surprise appearance. Maybe it hadn't been sleeping after all.
"Hug me."
They look at each other, maybe assess each other, consider what they know about one another. Kitayama opens his arms and Fujigaya is all over him in seconds. Not like usually, when he just needs a quick fuck to steam off, but warm and awkwardly and a little edgy.
They have to adjust, till elbows and knees aren't digging somewhere uncomfortable. They fit surprisingly well while not fitting at all. Kitayama feels dwarfed by all that is Fujigaya, but the other is soft and pliant and even purrs when he caresses his back. An out of body experience probably wouldn't be stranger, but he finds himself thinking it is surprisingly nice and maybe it isn't all bad he opened the door tonight.
"Can I stay tonight?" Fujigaya whispers somewhere between his earlobe and his collarbone.
Kitayama grunts in acceptance.
"You should find a lover for the needed loving." Kitayama says because issues should be named and this is definitely an issue.
"Why bother? I've got you."
It's almost cute, but Kitayama knows better than to think Fujigaya is cute off stage.
"Sadist." Is his only reply and Fujigaya accepts it with a hum.
"You can bear it."
Kitayama sighs. No one had told him there are that many responsibilities with being the oldest back in kindergarten.
"If you want to spend the night in a bed, we should move now, because later I won't want to."
Fujigaya makes grumbling noises to show his displeasure of having to move.
There could be always improvements, Kitayama muses. Fujigaya may not know how to enjoy sweet idleness by himself, but maybe he is ready to see the positive aspects of doing nothing together.