Title: Matsumoto’s shop of hopes and dreams - enter on your own risk 7/13
Pairing: Sakumoto, Aimiya, (hints of past(?)Ohmiya and Matsumiya and Juntoshi? (but... well... you'll get it, when you read it. It's not a love triangle (promise!!) or anything, it's rather plot-relevant)
Rating: up to R
Genre: AU, romance, fantasy (There are no vampires or
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Comments 16
Wow, Sho is feeling this tinge of jealousy. But the two of them are so cute. It's just kinda sad that there are impending dangers of Sho and Jun being together.
Why is Jun going back to his world? Is it because of the star request? Will he be able to go back to Sho safely? :((((
You said that the next chapter is better. I am so excited!!!! Thanks for this one!
(I know, commenting on the phone is so annoying ><)
Thanks so much for your comment, my friend! ♥
Oh no I think it's a bad idea for Jun to leave but not telling anyone, at least he need to leave a hint so if anything goes wrong someone might come to his help. Ah Shun is asking a really hard thing to fulfill, why can't he request anything easier...
lols I'm so invested in this story >.
Jun is getting himself in a tough situation if he really goes without telling someone ><
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! ♥
But I have the feeling that the other three need to rescue Jun.
Sho is really cool, he appeared do strong towards Toma, I liked that.
Thanks for the update dear ❤
Nino and the others won't be happy...
Thanks so much for your comment, dear! <3
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