Title: Matsumoto’s shop of hopes and dreams - enter on your own risk 9/13
Pairing: Sakumoto, Aimiya, (hints of past(?)Ohmiya and Matsumiya and Juntoshi? (but... well... you'll get it, when you read it. It's not a love triangle (promise!!) or anything, it's rather plot-relevant)
Rating: up to R
Genre: AU, romance, fantasy (There are no vampires or
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Comments 16
The description of the clothing that Sho and Masaki wore... I like!
Ohh, so excited to know about the next! :D thanks for this!
(Oh, and I'm so happy you actually remembered the part about the High Castle!!)
Thanks so much for reading dear, and sorry for the late reply and update!
GAH. I want the next part nao :
As for Ohno, we'll soon know more, I promise :-)
Thanks so much for reading! And I'm so sorry for the late reply and update. I only came around posting this now! <3
Sho is so in tune with Jun that he senses his distress? ❤💜
I didn't think that Toma or Shun would deliberately do anything to hurt Jun, but he is still suffering anyway.
I hope that Ohno can help.
Thanks so much for reading my friend! I had to skip last week because of work and stress and all ><
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! I'm sorry for my late reply and late update. I didn't manage to update last week ><
Sho can feel Jun's distress???? I shouldn't be happy about this... I really shouldn't... :D :D :D :D :D :D <3
Seriously though... what happened to Jun??? D: Who's the one hurting him omg????
Can't wait for the next update! Thanks for sharing this with us! ^^
Jun is in quite some trouble at the moment. He just wanted to help of course and not bother anyone, which is why he left along, but now ><
Thanks so much for your lovely comment, dear! ♥ I'm sorry for my late reply and update!
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