Title: Matsumoto’s shop of hopes and dreams - enter on your own risk 12/13
Pairing: Sakumoto, Aimiya, (hints of past(?)Ohmiya and Matsumiya and Juntoshi? (but... well... you'll get it, when you read it. It's not a love triangle (promise!!) or anything, it's rather plot-relevant)
Rating: up to R
Genre: AU, romance, fantasy (There are no vampires or
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Comments 17
Yes, finally they managed to save Jun and now... the only thing missing is Jun's decision :-)
I'm so glad they were able to save Jun and also have better ties with the Dark Fortress. I think Ohno will be a non-conventional but great king. But I do want to know what will happen to Sho and Jun and also to Nino and Aiba. T___T My heart!
I never looked at the numbers and I just realized that this is the second to the last???? I'm also caught off-guard with this! >_<
Thanks for writing this one!
I also think Ohno will be a great king. Now the only thing left seems to be Jun's decision, right? :-)
And, yes, next chapter will be the last :-)
In the end the bond between the brothers was really strong, right? It saved Jun after all :-)
You are right, the only thing left is Jun's decision!
Oh wow! Didn't expect Satoshi to be Jun's brother!!!! :O
I wonder what Jun will do now... hmm...
And next one is the last! *gasp* I'll be looking forward to it! :D :D :D
Jun will definitely make his decision in the next chapter...
It's going to be a difficult one, right? OO
Jun and Satoshi are brothers? I think you just made one of my dreams come true.
I wonder what Jun will decide. Obviously Sho can't stay with him, but I hope that he will go to Sho.
And Nino and Masaki? If Jun returns to Earth then Nino will have to go with him for protection...right?
I am looking forward to the conclusion.
Thank you 💕💕
Yes, Jun and Satoshi are brothers. In my mind Jun was carrying his mother's name, which is why the were having different surnames in this story :D
Jun will need to make a decision now... it's going to be a tough one...
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! ♥
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