Title: Matsumoto’s shop of hopes and dreams - enter on your own risk 12/13
Pairing: Sakumoto, Aimiya, (hints of past(?)Ohmiya and Matsumiya and Juntoshi? (but... well... you'll get it, when you read it. It's not a love triangle (promise!!) or anything, it's rather plot-relevant)
Rating: up to R
Genre: AU, romance, fantasy (There are no vampires or
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Comments 17
Aww finally..... Hashanah...
Oh my.... soooo that the brother of jun is satoshi??! Wkwkwkwkwk the Kiiing!!!!!
Phh thanks God that jun is alright.....
Aww Nino.... you're sooo cuuteee.....
And why youre feeling like that? Well I think Masaki is really love you....
Yes, they are brothers, which is why Satoshi is so obsessed with Jun :-)
Now we only need to know Jun's decision...
Jun ----- Go with SHO. PLEASE. Doctor Sho will take care of you <3 Heeheee.
Ahhhhh 1 part left? Congratulations on the progress with this fic! :D You're nearly there. Thank you so much for writing this.
Now the only decision missing is Jun's. It will be a difficult one, I think.
(and I agree, Ohno will be a great king!!)
Thanks so much for your comment! ♥
But finally Jun is safe! Thank goodness! He's beaten quite badly, yeah?
So much has been reveal but is Nino and Aiba's relationship cannot be saved at all? That's too bad because they make a good couple and it made me fear of Jun and Sho's relationship.
Sho and Jun... well, Jun has to make a decision now, doesn't he? It's going to be a difficult decision for him...
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! ♥
Oh, Aimiya broke up? That's so sad 😭😭 I wonder what Jun does? Will he try to keep his relationship with Sho? It's really sad that they don't stay in the same world. :(
Thanks for this update ❤
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