Title: Me without you 16/20
Pairing: Junba, Sakumiya, Ohno/?, others possible
Rating: up to R
Genre: AU, romance
Plot: Although they are both young students at college, both the youngest brothers within three, and both part of high society, there are worlds between Jun and Masaki. Jun comes from a rich, traditional and conservative family, while
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Comments 28
Wow..... hahahhaha I really like the relation of takuya n shingo san kkkkkk..... shingo is really cute when he say that he want to get a dog... kkkkk
Kkkkk masaki..... fightiiiiing....... hohoho... don't be afraid please.... jun just have open to you so... ganbatte nee..
Aaannnnnddd..... what are you planning to do jun?? You're not gonna run away right??
Well.... where are Ohno, sho, Nino? Hehehehhe
Jun indeed has a plan. And now that Masaki opened up to him and showed him how much he understands, they'll probably plan something together...
Thanks so much for you comment, my dear! ♥
I just hope that Jun will also open up to his brothers. It would help them to understand him better and why he has been so closed off to them for so long. Takuya has already come through for him.
Masaki managed to blurt out his history and I hope that will encourage Jun to do the same.
Thanks for writing this. I love both of these sets of brothers so very much 💕💕
Thanks so much for your comment, dear! ♥
Thanks so much for your comment!! ♥
I'm happy that Aiba got courage and offered his own 'secret' to make Jun open to him. Hope it works and both of them can become more self-confident!
Nice chapter, thanks for sharing^^
You are right, Masaki basically offered his own secret so that Jun can be able to trust him!
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! ♥
I like that instead of flashbacks, junba would reveal their past to each other. It's easier to read as well
Whatever junba is planning to do, please be safe!!
But why did Jun leave his exam paper like that? Won't it affect him afterwards?
I promise I'll reveal Jun's and Masaki's past completely. (Oh, Jun left his exam paper like that because he was so distressed about everything that happened that he couldn't focus on his exam anymore. It just wasn't important to him ><)
Thanks so much for your lovely comment! <3
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