In alphabetical order for your viewing pleasure :D
Period of time during which the body of a human being upgrades to a permanent one. The first signs include (but are not limited to) headaches, fatigue, aching limbs and sensitivity to light. Also called 'transition'.
Dissolution - permanent term:
Self-inflicted acts of violence with the purpose of achieving death under specific circumstances. Will be developped in further chapters.
The Formula
Liquid form of the supplement pills provided by the Permanent Society Council. See supplement for more information.
The Helsinki Summit
Held by the highest-ranked officials of the various continental divisions of the PSC in order to find answers to the catastrophic dissolution waves in the permanent society all over the world. Whether anything will come out of the event is unknown.
Every transcient citizen upgrading to permanence must contact the Council in order to receive a Name different than the one they were born with. This 'status officialization' allows the PSC to keep accurate track of the permanent demographics. Some consider it useless and prone to indirect discrimination, as someone can directly know whether someone is a permanent or not.
Citizens that have just upgraded to permanent status. Sometimes considered as 'fluffy bunnies' by their elders because of their sometimes forced optimism and exaggerated concern. Also known as 'newbies' or 'noobs'.
Humans who, because of unknown circumstances, have changed into different beings. They differ from transcients by their subjection to remanence.
The Permanent Society Council:
Official governmental body of the permanent society managing all of the aspects of a permanent's life: from the attribution of their Name to their psychological and medical support. The Council has many divisions throughout the world; little is known about its origins, but it is now present on every continent and plays a major role in everyday political matters, transcient or not. Generally called the PSC.
The Pre-State Celebration:
This 'permanence leave' has been established over fifteen years ago by the Council.
Psychological Support Counselling
Counselling sessions are offered weekly as a chance for neophytes to socialize and talk about their issues with PSC certified professionals.
Official term for 'extended lifespan'.
Essential nutriments required by upgraded organisms to function properly. Must be taken daily.
The Standard Welcome Protocol:
Every permanent must be registered and added to the worldwide permanent database by taking a series of specific physical tests and receiving their new Name. The Council estimates that those tests are necessary in order to gather the data needed to progress in permanence-related research. Underground sources claim that this is a blatant personal privacy invasion and that the collected information might be used for less humanitarian purposes.
Official term for normal human beings. Also called regulars, unchanged or standards in less formal situations.
See 'Adjustment'.
Permanent drinking game, very popular among salary men. It is played when a new employee joins the work team: each participant tells a fictionalized version of their transition, using a third person pronoun to speak of themselves.
The storyteller begins with words such as 'I want to tell you the story of X', 'X' being their transcient name. At the very end, they will mark the closure of their tale with 'And this is how I became X', to which the audience replies 'And this is how we became X', creating a sense of community that is essential in the workspace.
After this, the storyteller and their listeners consume a shot of alcohol - preferrably hard - and the next storyteller comes in line. Alcohol consumption is meant to ease the newcomer's nervosity or shyness, helping them to add their story to the 'community book'.
Official term for the transcient to permanent process.
If I missed something, you can always leave a comment.