Title: Rebuilding Burnt Bridges
Chapters: 1/2
Pairings: Andou Ryuu/Ueda Tatusya (Ueda/Ueda), Kame/Ueda (friendship)
Rating: NC 17+ (for strong adult themes. There is no explicit sex)
Genre: Romance, angst, hurt/comfort, (very) slight fluff, humiliation
Warnings: AU (sorta), verbal abuse, almost-rape, intentionally hurting people, sadism, cruelty (
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Comments 10
I like it!! Though its hard to imagine both past Ueda and present Ueda (well Ryuu)
I cant wait for the next part >.< good luck writing it
I've been playing with this idea for a few months now. Ueda/Ryuu. I'd love to read that, so yeah. This was born.
Thank you for reading it! <3
and it's really interesting!
can't wait for the next part
I like this start, with Andou having been Ueda's high school bully and now his trainer (and trust Kame to point out how hot he is).
Looking forward to reading the rest.
I'm glad you liked it <3 I'm not sure Ueda would though *v* LOL
I like to think that kame thinks that Ueda is hot in secret XD it's like a total fave headcanon of mine!
Thanks for reading this btw <33333
I like how you contrast both Ryuu and Ueda's personalities so well. And just picturing them together is just so...*w*
Can't wait for the next part! Thanks again for sharing this! ^^
I NOE RITE? Picturing TWO Uedas together is just asdfghjkladfghjkl;sdfghjkl; He's like, my No.1 bias, so... yeah.
I'm glad you likey! <3 Thanks for reading! It always makes my day to see new readers of my stuff
Again can't wait for the next part~ ^^
I loooooooove your fics!
It's good and beautiful and fluff and asdfjkl;asdfjkl;asdfjkl; >
Now, just finished reading this.
really, really like it!
I thought the members being paired with themselves is weird but THIS is soooooooo good!!
I love it!!
Can't wait for the next part!
p.s. kameda is my otp NOW *giggled*
OHHOHO, welcome to Kameda kingdom i suppose <3
And thankes~! I'm glad you enjoyed dem fics ^^ It's awesome to have more KameDa shippers out there. This pairing is seriously under shipped.
How you enjoy your visit here~~~~<3
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