Make sure you read all rules before you purchase from me. I will ignore any circumstances where you have not read the rules carefully. If you are unsure about buying or have insufficient funds, do not fill out the forms.
001. I accept paypal only at this moment unless you live in the US or CANADA.
002. Concealed cash in USD/CAD/YEN only (with above restriction)
003. Paypal must be authorized in 48 hours in the case of requested paypal transactions. That is the maximum I will hold an item for the interested person.
004. Non payment scammers will be blacklisted/refused permission to buy from me EVER again.
005. Buyer pays paypal fees.
006. I will try to figure out a good system for quickening transactions with paypal but in the meantime, please fill out the form below when commenting for the item in the applicable page of interest. All comments will be screened.
Username (if available)
Place of Residence (City & Country):
007. Currency is in CAD without shipping fees, although a maximum for S&H cost is given. Costs do not include paypal fees. USD totals will be calculated upon request
Shipping/Receiving Items
001. Shipping is from Vancouver,Canada under regular surface package, unless requested for airmail. Will ship worldwide although there will be extra costs. Maximum shipping costs are to US locations ONLY! Please contact for other locations. Canadian locations on the east coast MAY exceed the maximum cost.
002. I ship within 2-3 days (excluding Sunday) after payment received
003. Paypal must be authorized in 48 hours, in case of requested paypal transactions.
004. Non payment buyers will be blacklisted/refused permission to buy from me.
005. I am not responsible for lost/damaged/stolen items. If you are worried, you can purchase registered mail. Leave contact for details.
006. Please keep track of your status in the transaction part of my page.
Customized Items
001. Unavailable at this time.
Additional Information
001. I request that every transaction done have feedback left on my feedback thread, if the transaction made through there. I greatly appreciate it!
002. I do not accept refunds/exchanges unless under special circumstances where it is clearly my fault.
003. If you have questions you can leave a comment in the comments thread. Please try to ask all your questions at one time, instead of asking one per a day. Make sure to leave a contact or have LJ send you response emails!
004. After you've finished reading all this, please comment here with this comment: "Yumemusubi means dreams come true." This makes sure you read this whole blurb. Let's me know you're agreeing to my guidelines.
original creations♥
yumemusubi yumemusubi