Arashi Discovery 2013 10 15

Oct 16, 2013 06:35

Good morning
I'm Ohno Satoshi of Arashi
Today's quote, come on!

"Essentially the same with only minor differences"

What's this? I don't know it
This four-character idiomatic compound shows things that are much the same, without having a great difference though there is a difference in the fine details.

Hoo, my everyday
Essentially the same with only minor differences

(laughs) It gives this feeling of being uncool
(laughs) But this sounds good (laughs)
I don't know if this way of using it is suitable, but it sounds good, ne
Well, even if it's the same everyday if you could enjoy the small changes
You can spend [the everyday life] in a fun way

Well, that's why, ne
If I were to exemplify it with my work
My work isn't "essentially the same with minor differences", ne
Since we're doing different things every time
For example, even if it was a drama like now
The role is different
Even if it's a live, the choreography or the things we're singing are different
Every time there is a change, ne
But there are jobs that aren't like this job, as well, ne
Well, like the driver of the train
He goes everyday in the same places
With the same phrase of "Next is..."
That's right, because doing everyday the same thing, there is a sense of security as well
I wonder what am I suited for
Coming all the way till here
Though I say I came all the way till here (laughs)

As for me, ne, I don't hate doing the same thing everyday
It has the feeling of discovering the enjoyment among all that
For example
If I were the train driver, when there was the time to say the announcement
It makes me want to twist it a little, ne

"Next is Shibuya, Shibuya~
Ah, thinking better..."

Such a thing, it mustn't be done, right?
I shouldn't do it?
Then I'd be fired, ne
But well ne, this "essentially the same with only minor differences" is interesting
That's why, somehow
I want to tell people

The recently me
Essentially the same with inly minor differences

"You, aren't there any differences, are there?
It's not cool" they'd say
That's right, ne. Saying something like this. Nee
You can also use it in this funny way. Eee
Let's not forget this

That's all, it has been Ohno Satoshi!

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