dfhjkdfhdkjhjdkfjk, I have to spazz shortly. xD
A-a new SetuTie-scene, can I die happily now? Lawl. xD'
/is easy to satisfy
Also, it seems there will be a scene where they rejoin after the A-Laws-party, kdjhfkjdfkf, I want to see that like now. xD
Other than that:
Tieria in Veda? Out of Veda? Whatever. ♥
Regene, your couch looks really interesting... xD
Ribbons looks batshit insane here, somehow. xD
I also was taken for the work in the kindergarden, hell yes. :D
Edit: kjfhdjkfhdkjfk,
parallax_prose, your Christmas card arrived today! *__*
It's so cute and nice, thank you! <3333
fariska, your card came, too! <333
kdjfkdjfkdf, your Jyo really looks like Setsuna, somehow, b-but he looks so damn handsome in your art. :D xD
Also, thanks to you I will be busy with games now. (damn, didn't I want to finish Persona 4 again first? xD Lawl. xD)
Now more seriously, I am really happy. :D
Nah, thanks both of you, really! *___*
*hugs tightly*