Lawl, after I failed drawing Tierkreis once again (seriously, what the hell is wrong with those clothes, skhfkf, they are so difficult, sob), I drew the anime-character I most probably drew the most in my life. xD
These....things really do look weird, haha. You know, it's difficult to use pastels when drawing pics with lineart, they're just not the best media for that |D
Also, I can't really say much about the pic, cause it's smaaaaall. ;_;
Comments 6
Also, I can't really say much about the pic, cause it's smaaaaall. ;_;
It seems so, I just should have gone for copic. xD
It is, perhaps I should redo it. xD'
Your draw is so cute!!! Jyo and the scapegoats!!!!!*--* Cute,cute,cute!! <3
Oh!Why they don't give you money at work?D:
I had fun drawing that pic. xD
aside the colouring orz xD'
Nope, since it's no real work, but a traineeship and Saturdays I do the charity work, so naturally I don't get any money. xD'
But I like the colours! You did a good job!=D
But,wow!You are really busy,aren't you?@.@
Somehow, yes, I am kinda grateful I don't work full-time there. xD'
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