Arashi new album will be release soon.
Tracklist and unit songs list already release too.
But I'm a little confused that we can't heard Yama (Ohno x Sho). Well.. we can hear them in trio with Aiba. At least I'm glad can hear them.
One thing I can't understand is... there is Sakumoto. Uhm... I just don't like it.
Because for me Jun's voice should be
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Comments 15
Sabar sabar. Itu orang sok tau namanya. Aku biasa aja sih waktu tau yang keluar sakumoto. Padahal aku ngarep sakumiya, yama, atau sakumiyama sekalian. Sakumoto sama-sama bass, pastinya agak aneh deh. Untung sakuraiba ada ohno, jadi nggak bass semua. Menurutku blunder kalo gabungin bass aja tanpa tenor (nino atau ohno), tapi yaaaaaa lihat aja nanti lah. Lumayan lihat sakumoto berdua di panggung *aseeeekkk*
Iya kaaaaannnn, kaaaaakkk!!!! Yama atau sakumiya suaranya enak klu digabung. Seenggaknya ga dua2nya bass. Mana lagi suaranya jun agak cempreng klu saya denger. Ini yg bikin saya was was. Belum lagi suara Sho itu agak waaaah~ . Takutnya suara Jun tenggelam. *aduh.. maaf ini yang saya denger tapi ya*
Ya mau protes pun ga mungkin juga. Wkwkwkw... toh saya hanya penikmat.
Cuma nggak terima aja terus dia bilang bukan fans arashi sejati. Edaaaan! Maksudnya apa?! Jadi fans itu harus bisa menerima dan memberi kritik! Nggak bisa jadi fans cuma mengelu-elukan doang! Itu untuk improve idol juga loh (Pendapat pribadi)
*masih berasa kesal kak... maafkan*
I think I understand the Sakumoto thing. They both sound good when they sing lower, so maybe someone higher voice will balance it out.
(I'm not an expert but that's what I think lol)
Yes. Sometimes Jun is good with lower voice. That's why I think maybe with Ohno or Nino and Aiba, Jun's voice will be save and balance too. Since it become more soft if he is with Sho because Sho's voice is too deep to get balance with Jun
(This is what I only feel and heard. I always wondering why Jun's voice have to be covered by Nino and Aiba or Aiba and Sho in almost their songs)
(Yeah... me too. I'm not expert with this vocal things but... I just feel worried about Jun's voice will get covered with Sho's powerful voice)
But but but.... it doesnt mean I HATE SAKUMOTO PAIR!!! No no no noooooo!!!! I love them, all of them.
*still feel mad cause of this and someone said I'm not Arashi fans*
It's true though. You have to listen hard to actually find Jun's voice. And I think Jun's voice blends best with Aiba or Ohno's voice. Maybe they're trying something new?
Not liking something does not mean that you're not a fan. You can only like certain things about them and be a true fan like the others.
Right? See... Jun's voice it is good if we blends it with Ohno or Aiba. Well... I hope they only want to find something new. I hope the result will be great. I hope just like the others.
(Not liking something does not mean that you're not a fan. You can only like certain things about them and be a true fan like the others.)
Thats what I mean. But some people really really love to judger another fans like that. I hate them. It like they can't understand human. Maybe we like same thing but maybe not all are same between fans, right?? Different person have different mind!! Argh... how much I really want to scratch her face. 😠
*gomen, Nin-san... I'm still mad* 😢
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