Title: The Waiting Line
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Cloud, Aerith, Tseng, Elena, Cid, Yuffie, Vincent, Tifa
Prompt: 044: Circle
Word Count: 623 average per scene, 8 scenes total)
Rating: R, for sex, language, and a hint of violence
Summary: Eight characters in eight short scenes depicting a daisy chain of changing relationships.
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Comments 16
I am however also loving the Cloud/Tifa (of course) and the Tseng/Elena because face it, they are awesome as well.
:-p Thanks for reading! And I'm glad that my Vincent/Yuffie was up to par with a fan of that pairing :) I think you're right, I think they actually balance each other nicely...though I love Cid/Yuffie :) Thanks again!
And yeah, like you said in your last comment they are kinda like Squall and Rinoa in that way.
Cid/Yuffie is cute. He's just too funny, and so is she so that's a good combo.
Hmm, Aerith/Vincent...I'm working on a couple of other things right now, but what's one more? I think I may be able to do something with that pairing :p
Nice work ^_^
Thanks :)
Lol Cloud/Tifa is SO canon :p
Okay so maybe only in my mind...but still. The Family=teh win :p
great characterization of all the characters/situations. you did a great job!
Thanks lady :p
Lol I hope I met your standards with that particular pairing...though really, they were one of the easiest ones to write. In my mind she'll always go home to Cloud...but hey...if Cloud isn't there Vincent seems like a good person for her to rely on :)
The dialogue for Cid/Yuffie was great, and Vincent/Yuffie was different. Awesome job on all these! <3
Thanks! Tifa is by far the easiest character for me to write, though putting her with Vincent was quite new :) And I'm a big CidxYuffie fan...even though they're both so hot-headed I think it plays well. But hey, everyone needs a crack!pairing :p VinxYuffie was just how the daisy chain fell, it was tricky (though scene 4 was the hardest), but I hope it worked :)
Thanks again!
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