Title: The Mask and Mirror Full Circle
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Tseng (one-sided TsengxAerith)
Prompt: 003: Ends
Word Count: 1147
Rating: Hard PG-13 (mentions of torture, dark themes)
Summary: He grasped the wisps as a man trying to grab death itself and pull it back.
Author's Notes: [Teeny tiny spoilers for Advent Children and Dirge
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Comments 3
She spoke to him through the grounds of his last cup of coffee and the smell of whiskey that still clung to melting ice cubes, through the flowers in the courtyard and the capricious rain that fell in a rhythm only a woman could command. In the files he found in the MIdgar ruins that must have survived only so he could look into the grainy black and white eyes of the lives he had ruined, in the accusation that still fluttered across Tifa's eyes whenever he entered the bar because she had the sharpest memory of anyone he'd ever met and she knew.
Thanks so much! And I am happy to hear that paragraph worked, I had so hoped it would :)
But the theme was all the same, ask for forgiveness even though he will be never granted that comfort no matter how much torment and suffering to attempt to atone for all these sins.
... even it took him beyond the grave.
[edit] spelling
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