Title: Dreaming
Author: yunasakura
Type: drabble
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nakajima Yuto x Asakura Yuna (OC)
Disclaimer: i just own the plot ^^ i'm write this with exam mode..hahaha..need something to release my tension ^^
“Ne..ne…did u watched it already?” Yuna jumped to Haruna.
“Last night episode? Of course I did!!” Haruna answer excitedly. “Kyaaa~~they really kawaii nee!!”
“Sou! Sou! Especially during that corner!! I can’t stop from screaming u know!!” Yuna smile widely enough to show all her teeth.
“Sou deshou?? Ne..did u saw when he walk to the stage?? Oh my goddess..he’s really kakkoi!!”
“Un! Un! and when the quiz too!!! it’s really funny!! I laughed all my heart when I saw he fell from the chair!! HaHaHa!!”
“Ahh~yes! yes! Me too!! Lol..it’s really omoishiroi..”
Then suddenly a book flying towards them and almost hit yuna’s nose by 2 cm. They jumped shock and look at the whole class to find the culprit. There’s no one except Yuto that standing right on his seat.
“Oii!!! It’s dangerous u know!!” Yuna yelled at him.
“What if that book hurt us? Do u want to take responsible?” Haruna asked angrily even the book actually flying far from her.
Yuto just chuckle a bit before he moves to them. Then he picks up the book and turning to them.
“U just lucky enough because I actually aimed this to u..” he show the book to Yuna and Haruna.
Both girls widen their eyes when heard what Yuto said.
“What did u said?” Yuna move closer to Yuto while give him a death glare.
“Well I said I aimed this to u..so u were lucky because u ---“
Yuto can’t finish his words when Yuna stand really close to him. He moved back a bit but Yuna still move closer to him until he trapped on the wall.
“What are u doing?” Yuto asked shakily.
“What u think?” Yuna smirk and hide her laugh when looking Yuto being nervous with her action.
Yuna close her face to Yuto that already close his eyes and...
A duster hit yuna’s head. Yuna that drooling at her seat jumped shocked and fell from her chair. She moaned in pain while a whole class laugh at her includes the most handsome guy Yuto-kun and her enemy Haruna-san.
“Asakura-san! Please stand at the corridor..NOW!”
Yuna pouted her face and slowly walk outside her class. She heard that Yuto whispered something when passed his seat,
"I hope u have a wonderful dream just now.."
A/N: i'm stressful for my final tomorrow..have to rest a while..well i just need some encouragement(?) from Yuto..btw enjoy this reading and comment are love ^^..lol..