I'm bored, so...new post?

Mar 21, 2010 17:43

Hello to my few friends in LJ Land -- a place I haven't visited in months.  Because I'm super bored at the moment, I have decided to start writing here again, at least sparingly.

My life is always changing, of course, but some major events have occurred recently that are going to make a lot more happen...

After I graduated with a B.A. in English this past December, my parents got on my case about finding a job.  So I went to a staffing agency.  Unfortunately, I was placed in a horrendous job working as an office assistant.  To break that down, it means me filing papers for eight hours every day.  I staple, then look at their eight-digit loan numbers in order to put them in chronological order and then store them in boxes.  Worst.  Job.  Ever.  Of course, the fact that my boss is a huge pig doesn't help.

Realizing that I despise my job, don't have many friends left in the area, and have lived in Pittsburgh for twenty-three long years, I thought to myself, "I need to get out of here."  So I put in my two-weeks' notice and am moving to Canton, Ohio to be close to my boyfriend as soon as I can find a job.  Herein lies the problem...no one wants to hire me.  I interviewed at a daycare and a photography studio with no luck yet.  I also tried to apply at several mall stores only to find that 99% of them aren't hiring.  And the only one that might be won't be looking until May...

All work-related news aside, though, I have to say that I have been falling more and more in love with Andy, the guy I mentioned contemplating marriage with in a previous entry.  Oh, we've definitely had more ups and downs.  We always seem to be getting on each others' nerves and fighting, but it seems like no matter how much pain our relationship goes through, we always end up together in the end.  We fight hard and love hard.  I guess because we're both very emotional people.  Though I'm trying to work on my attitude problems when I'm around him now.  I get angry too easily and say things I don't mean.  And that isn't cool.  I want to show him how much I care, even when I get mad.  I have to learn how to bite my tongue and deal with situations in a positive manner.  So hopefully I can change.  I think, moving closer to him, I might be able to stop being so clingy, too.  I am borderline obsessed with our relationship and I need to calm down and realize that there is more to life than him.  I need to make more friends and live in a way that I don't have to tell myself I NEED him.  Because that's definitely unhealthy.

Do I still want to marry him?  Most definitely.  But to get to that point will take a bit of time.  For now, we're just going to stay young and enjoy the company of one another.  Especially since we have so much to concentrate on.  We both need to find jobs.  He's also in a band, so he is spending a lot of time at practices and gigs.  Here is a clip of Euphobic, his band.  He's the bass player in the back - his hair is a LOT shorter now, by the way:

image Click to view

Euphobic also has a myspace page, if anyone is interested.  Their music is pretty awesome and I support Andy fully in what he's doing.  I've been to two practices and one coffee house gig and am so proud of him!  The other members are really nice, too.  I went out for drinks with them and their girlfriends and they are all very warm and welcoming.  I hope to become friends with some of them when I move there!

I hope that moving to Ohio is the right decision.  But at the moment, I don't care so much if it is right or wrong.  I just need a bit of adventure in my life!
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