Title: Hold on Tight-Small Talk-Sleeping Beauty Author: yutorin04 Pair: Chiitaro, Hikato, Inoobu Genre: Fluff Rating: PG Disclaimer: I own nothing except my cracky plot.
I LOLed at the cockroach part in the Hikato xDD “It’s not just a cockroach, it’s a flying cockroach, Keito. but well, thanks to the cockroach since Hikaru got more than just a small talk ;)
And yeah, the inoobu confession~ SWEET♥ But seriously Kei-mama, why put earphones when nothing is playing?! But oh well, that earned you a confession from Yabu-pap :DD
Le waiting for the Yamajima !! It's your biased OTP nee~??
Comments 17
It makes my day :)
Thanks for this!
glad it made your day.. :D
thanks for reading and commenting... ^^
and Inoobu~ gosh~ my other OTP~ cracky, but so sweet *melt*
now, where is YamaJima?! ∩__∩
it's seriously crack.. xD
haha........... i actually forgot about YamaJima.. lol
not raelly though.. i just dunno what to write about them. xD
thanks for reading and commenting, rin! :D
d2 q0h na binasa ung HikaTo at wala pa atang InooBu don sa docs na ni.send mo sa conv. natin right??
wala bang YamaJima?? inaantay q0h ung NC mo eh :P
ni.send ko lng via text kay riku ung inoobu.. and ung nung sabi nya na ok na un. pi.nost ko kasama nang 2 drabbles.. haha
sa fic dump nlng ang yamajima. :P
speechless just ... ♥♥♥
I LOLed at the cockroach part in the Hikato xDD
“It’s not just a cockroach, it’s a flying cockroach, Keito.
but well, thanks to the cockroach since Hikaru got more than just a small talk ;)
And yeah, the inoobu confession~ SWEET♥
But seriously Kei-mama, why put earphones when nothing is playing?!
But oh well, that earned you a confession from Yabu-pap :DD
Le waiting for the Yamajima !! It's your biased OTP nee~??
yeah, yeah... And i know, those two are thankful too. 8D
well,, the author does that.. So the character copied it. 8D
yesssshhhh! They are my biased otp, but i haven't wrote anything about them. XD
puro Ariyama at yamachii nkkita ko ngaun, wlang mbasa -.-
thanks for reading and commenting, yuu-chan... :3
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