Baltic Index: Unfilled Any Baltic/Two or more Baltics/Group Prompts Index

Apr 05, 2009 20:10

Unfilled Any or Group Index

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*Last Updated: December 07, 2010

Please note: The Text version of the Baltic States Index is no longer updated. There is now an up-to-date index on Delicious here. I transferred the index to Delicious because it is easier to update that way. However, the Text version of the index will still be left up.

The contact post for the index is here.

Unfilled Any or Group Prompts

Any Baltic State Prompts (Unfilled)

*Nov 25 08 Russia/Any of the Baltics; child-like Russia in drag; silly stuff appreciated
*Jun 19 09 Sodomy was legal in the USSR from 1917-1930; afterward abolished. Lithuania/Russia or Latvia/Russia; hurt/comfort, sex not mandatory
*Oct 04 09 Russia beats the crap out of a Baltic state in his sleep. Latvia or Lithuania prefered.
*Nov 16 09 Russia ties down one of the Baltics and forces them to get a tattoo, something related to the Soviet Union or his control over them.
*Jan 10 10 Latvia OR Lithuania opens a can of whoop-ass on unsuspecting Russia.
*Jan 28 10 Ex-Soviet states have high suicide rates; one of the Baltics being comforted by one of the nations with lowest suicide rates
*Feb 17 10 Obscure pairings Hetalia-wise, but not obscure real-life wise. Canada/any Baltic, Estonia/Hungary, England/Lithuania, etc, up to author.
*Feb 17 10 One of the Baltics is a hypochondriac; someone helps them through it. Lit/Pol preferred but not mandatory.
*Oct 16 10 There are two Russias; they mess with the other countries... until one shows interest in one of the Baltics (see prompt for details)
*Nov 28 10 Any Baltic/Russia; asked to top. Consensual, but with slight discomfort/nervousness

Two or more Baltic States Prompts (Unfilled)

*Nov 11 08 Baltics - hiding from Russia
*Feb 19 09 Russia/Baltics; punishment. Russia ultimate seme, Latvia ultimate uke, smutty as possible; bonus for human names rather than country
*Mar 15 09 Baltic orgy + Poland, angst required
*Mar 21 09 Commonwealth fluff; Poland and Lithuania acting as parental figures to Latvia and Estonia
*Mar 25 09 Russia, Poland, Latvia and Estonia compete to win Lithuania's heart, while Lithuania remains oblivious
*Mar 26 09 Baltics and other northern nations; formation of a weird northern family through agriculture
*Apr 10 09 Yandere!Latvia/Lithuania non-con; Latvia takes out his frustration on Liet when Russia pisses him off
*Apr 17 09 Sweden/Finland and Estonia/Latvia; on a doubledate at an amusement park
*Apr 18 09 Estonia/Latvia; Latvia has self-confidence problems, leading to anorexia. Smut NOT preferred.
*May 02 09 HetaliaxKingdom Hearts crossover; Baltics as certain characters, see prompt for details
*Jun 21 09 Russia wants to bring out Latvia's yandere side; teaches him the art of domination with willing (but scared) Estonia&Lithuania. Baltic orgy results
*Jun 23 09 Genswitch; Latvia wakes up as a girl and Estonia starts to have feelings for her. Russia notices too, and begins to pay more attention to her.
*Jun 24 09 Higurashi crossover, featuring all three Baltics and others
*Jul 01 09 Commonwealth-era Latvia and Estonia bond with Sealand and colonial!Canada over the fact that they all have two fathers.
*Jul 03 09 Latvia/Lithuania; yandere!Latvia shows that he, rather than Estonia, Poland or someone else, owns his brother
*Aug 03 09 Baltic brothers/Poland, bukkake and orgasm denial. Bonus if Lithuania gets possessive, second bonus if Poland is in drag.
*Aug 06 09 Balticcest, sequel request to a previous fill; Estonia and Latvia play a prank on Lithuania in the morning, and they both end up punished
*Aug 12 09 The Baltics + others; Eastern Bloc orgy (see prompt for details)
*Aug 12 09 Estonia/Latvia+Russia; Russia forces Estonia to do Latvia in front of him, while he masturbates to it and instructs him on what to do
*Aug 13 09 The three Batltics gangbang Russia. Bonus for pouring vodka on him and beating him with his pipe.
*Aug 18 09 Brothers and lullabies; younger has trouble sleeping, older comforts. No smut, please
*Aug 19 09 Latvia/Estonia; Latvia finds courage to stand between Russia's anger and Estonia, who is important to him
*Aug 24 09 All 3 Baltics; something based on Baltic Way. How do they celebrate the anniversary? Fluff or smut, up to author
*Aug 27 09 Horror; Latvia made a mistake and was caught by Russia, who then forces Lithuania to give his youngest brother a horrid punishment
*Aug 28 09 Estonia/Latvia; Russia is out of the picture. Bonus for Latvia begging for it, first time together, and calling each other 'brother'
*Sep 03 09 Seychelles/Lithuania/Latvia/Liechtenstein; loving by a lake
*Sep 03 09 Request for a sequel to the 'Russian and Baltic Borscht' misfire fill
*Sep 03 09 Lithuania/Latvia, cuddling, kissing, whispering and other fluff. Bonus for no Russia, also bonus for Estonia/Finland
*Sep 27 09 AU with Russia as the adoptive parent to the Baltics; Russia/China involved. See prompt for details.
*Oct 03 09 Russia wants to play plants vs zombies; he drags the Baltics into it.
*Oct 17 09 Latvia/Estonia, with Latvia topping and Estonia screaming his name
*Oct 18 09 Switzerland/Lithuania/Estonia. Any order. Circumstances up to the author.
*Oct 19 09 Estonia/Lithuania, with Lithuania in a maid dress in a master/servant situation.
*Oct 27 09 Russia owns a bordello; Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Prussia work there.
*Nov 05 09 "Nations in snow" - Russia and the Baltics playing in it, having snowball fights, etc
*Nov 06 09 Belarus smiling and not being scary, and the Baltic nations falling in love with her. Bonus for first time seeing Belarus smiling.
*Nov 10 09 Darkfic; Lithuania & Estonia think Russia is being kind to them out of love, but they discover he is merely spending more time with Latvia.
*Nov 12 09 Estonia/Latvia; winter fluff, lovemaking in front of the fireplace. No Russia, please.
*Nov 13 09 Russia forcing the Baltics to play Russian Roulette; other details are up to author
*Nov 17 09 Russia treating the Baltics as stuffed animals at night by making them dress in big stuffy costumes and cuddling them while he sleeps
*Jan 06 10 Estonia giving Latvia a sloppy blowjob
*Jan 06 10 Soviet resistance, Baltic style. The 3 Baltics helping their people fight. Bonus for it ending with ass-kicking from "sad, betrayed" Russia.
*Jan 07 10 Lithuania/Latvia, nipple play. Consensual or dubcon fine, other characters can be involved, but not Russia or Sealand.
*Jan 10 10 Russia seduces China by reminding how great it is to have control over others, then they top the hell out of the Baltics together
*Jan 25 10 Lithuania/Estonia/Latvia and Russia/Lithuania; Lithuania is protective of the other Baltics because they are his partners; Russia finds out and punishes him.
*Jan 26 10 Russia and Germany switch attitudes; this results in Russia treating the Baltics strictly but gently, and Germany turning posessive over Italy.
*Jan 29 10 The Baltics meet Russia's Secret Other Family, the Causcasus (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan). Their reactions.
*Feb 05 10 Russia harnesses up the Baltics and makes them pull him around on a sled.
*Feb 17 10 The reason Russia is a jerk to the Baltics is because the Central Asians don't like him and are more vocal about it. The Baltics find out and are not amused.
*Mar 01 10 Russia forces the Baltics to act like babies. Bonus if one or more nations finds out.
*Mar 06 10 Russia thinks he's Deadpool. He'll get his memory back, but for now everyone must go along with the delusion. Lithuania as Bob, Estonia as Weasel.
*Mar 14 10 Estonia/Latvia or America/Lithuania, geeky nation A makes Sims of their love, and nation B finds out.
*Mar 29 10 Incorporating elements from A Clockwork Orange; the Baltics, sick of the way Russia treats them, condition him for psychological repulsion toward violence.
*Mar 30 10 Latvia/Estonia; sex on the battlefield
*Mar 31 10 Latvia/Estonia/Lithuania; snowballing
*Apr 08 10 Estonia/Latvia; beginning of a quiet relationship. See prompt for details.
*May 14 10 Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia; Latvia seducing and topping the other two. Bonus for bondage and spanking.
*Jun 26 10 Russia and Baltics/Latvia, gangbang. Noncon, etc
*Jul 19 10 Russia forces Lithuania and Estonia to take Latvia's virginity while he watches. Bonus if Latvia enjoys it; bonus if Russia joins later
*Aug 16 10 Baltics; Nation A gives nation B a non-erotic spanking as punishment, but they fail at it
*Aug 19 10 Russia/Baltics; heavy D/s, BDSM, heavy kink etc. See prompt for details
*Oct 23 10 Lithuania/Estonia/Latvia & France; Estonia is distant, and Latvia and Lithuania decide to punish him with France's help.
*Nov 05 10 Baltics in a Spy AU; a badass trio with Estonia as a hacker, Latvia as a spy, and Lithuania as a fighter
*Nov 23 10 Finland/Estonia/Lithuania; healing the flu
*Nov 29 10 Lithuania and Poland are happy together, but Estonia thinks Lithuania deserves a "better"boyfriend.

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