Desired Character:
YOUR LJ Username:
Sample Post:
YOUR LJ User name --- If you do not have one, please make one; it is necessary for listing who the character is played by. Whether or not you are active with that journal is your choice.
AIM --- It is requisite to have some sort of Instant Messaging service. For logging, you need to be able to join in on channels. Most players here have AIM; it is HIGHLY ADVISED that you
download AIM, if possible.
Sample Post --- Please keep it under four or five paragraphs. You are giving a sample, not writing a book.
A NOTE!: If your character has died in the series (ex. Kuronue, Karasu, etc.) PLEASE include a LOGICAL explanation of how you were revived, long or short as the explanation may be, in your sample post somewhere. We need not have nonsense zombies wondering about.