Tell me this isn't spiffy. What we do here is we take this big giant list of friend add's and friend remove's... and we copy it. And paste it
HERE in this console, and hit 'execute.' AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS? It adds and removes all friends needed or otherwise. Bam. Just like that. Now tell me that's not spiffy. (Please abuse of this~! ♥)
vvvvvvNeeds to be abused of; COPYCOPYCOPY!!!vvvvvvvvv
Friend add yuuhaku_desu
Friend add yuuhaku_madness
Friend add yuuhaku_logs
Friend add yuuhaku_ooc
Friend add daimyo_sama
Friend add maya_kitajima
Friend add yokushu
Friend add loyal_fangirls
Friend add arrogant_pyro
Friend add mitarai_san
Friend add wind_shinobi
Friend add tempest_fear
Friend add ai_shiori
Friend add wingedhorror
Friend add dreaming_winds
Friend add frozentwilight
Friend add goatling
Friend add chuu_the_mighty
Friend add xxshizuruxx
Friend add mirage_blue
Friend add nurse_ruka
Friend add goatlordyomi
Friend add lack_of_scalpel
Friend add ferrygirl_power
Friend add youda
Friend add nishif_enog
Friend add genkai_obaa_san
Friend add girl_temper
Friend add not_in_diapers
Friend add legendary_youko
Friend add kazumaai
Friend add yoyomasterrinku
Friend add perfect_shishi
Friend add utsukushii_07
Friend add ice_shinobi
Friend add reiki_my_ass
Friend add dark_aristocrat
Friend add cookingtaro
Friend add regal_phoenix
Friend add forceful_sentry
Friend add almost_miyuki
Friend add xsogekiheix
Friend add twisted_playdoh
Friend add not_a_toddler
Friend remove tokotokoton
Friend remove cutekoorime
Friend remove preppy_dragon
Friend remove coachsensui
Friend remove smolderingflame
Friend remove frozenfireyouki
Friend remove umbraeres
Friend remove jinmeister
Friend remove bat_demon
Friend remove lordkoenma
Friend remove saotomejorge
Friend remove tobeterukage
Friend remove twisted_crayon
Friend remove bluepuu
Friend remove sanada_k
Friend remove capn_7even
Friend remove hina_miko
Friend remove micaddict
Friend remove alluringpendant