Who: Yuusuke and Kurama
Where: Local shrine
When: Evening
Summary: Before the portal opens again, Yuusuke has plans.
The crisp air of the evening played with his hair and yukata, clad in a deep forest green. His arms rested in the wooden banister supporting his body in a leaning stance. Lost his gaze to the ripples of the lagoon, faintly shimmering under the weakened sun.
Really, Yuusuke had his fill of stairs in the (to him) by-gone days of training with Genkai, but ehh, what could a few more dozen...Or more...Than a dozen, hurt? Plus, wasn't like he had much better to do after all that with Keiko, the dark haired man had been finding it a little difficult to 'socialize' with anyone. No idea what that was about, so maybe JUST MAYBE this little trip to see Kurama was for more than looking for a friendly face. After all, the red-head had always been the entire group's babysitter of sorts...
The vibrant youki of a young mazoku, rebellious, a fighter. His eyes slid in the direction from which Yuusuke came from, or was soon to appear in the line of sight. But whenever the teen approached, dark emeralds would be waiting for him, calmly, patient.
Letting out a bored breath, Yuusuke took a look around. Wasn't impressed, seen one temple you've seen them all. However, his eyes did pass over the nearly flame like hair of his friend, and Yuusuke started towards the building, waving one hand in the air as if it weren't obvious he was standing there. "Oi, Kurama! You're lookin'...Healthy!"
"I imagined sooner or later you would come," he greeted the boy and slowly turned back to face him. "Yes, my body is progressively recovering. The major wounds are mere slashes now," he added, keeping distance from him.
"Ahehe, good ta'know, good ta'know..." A pause, this was sufficiently ... Something, it wasn't very comfortable, maybe that was it. Yuusuke leaned against the railing himself, staring at the forest and wondering what Kurama could ever possibly find entertaining about this place. "Really, nice to see YOU'RE doin' well at least....I mean, y'are alright here, ain't ya'?"
"It is a peaceful environment, retired from the city and untouched by the hands of men. Similar to Makai, but depraved from its danger." Kurama replied and glanced back at him. "The way you emphasized your phrase tells me you are going through a less happy moment."
Letting out a small laugh from Kurama's statement, Yuusuke scratched his nose in a distracted way, smirking al the while. "Yer really like all our personal therapist, haha....Nah, I'm fine, really! Jus'...." He didn't sigh, or get some sad look to his face. Hello no, Urameshi Yuusuke wasn't some damn pussy willing emotinal idiot! But, the smile on his face wasn't reaching his eyes, and Yuusuke had to shake his head ruefully, "I dunno, came up here to see ya'--- I did wanna see you, Kurama. But, don't know who else'd know what was wrong with me...Man, if ya' don't mind me bitchin'?"
"Certainly not, Yuusuke. After all... That is what friends are for, right?" Offering the mazoku descendant his trademark smile. "But if you think about it, everyone seems to be detached from their supposed friends, locked in their own silent worlds. Different focuses..."
"...I don't think that's it. Part'a it, yeah..." It was still strange how that red-head seemed to know exactly what was wrong with people before they said it, but Yuusuke found himself actually THINKING about it. Leaning over and resting his chin against one hand, the other tapping against the wooden rail in some made up rhythm, "Nah, I miss everybody, sure. Haven't talked ta'Kuwabara or Keiko in a while, it's more like... Dunno, closest I can think of to word it's like I've run outta stuff to do here. An' that's no good."
"Keiko and Kuwabara are different... Yuusuke. Hiei, you and I ... Are bound to Makai in one way or another. You must understand they seek a professional career ... I am not saying we belong to different worlds, but ..." he trailed off, allowing Yuusuke to imagine the rest. "Have you tried visiting them?"
"Well...No. Keiko probably doesn't WANT t'see me, and Kuwabara seems fine with his new 'friends'. An' I know we're different, I just don't wanna be." This last part was sighed in a childish way, even though it was true. He didn't hate being a youkai, or find it THAT much different, strange or anything. It just sort of sucked, thinking about all the stuff that hadn't changed yet, but in about ten years'd be major differences. "Tch, forget about it. I'm cryin' like some heart broken chick or somethin', hahaha-- Guess I'm just lonely!"
"I do not think this will last for long. Soon ... We will work together once more. The threat is inevitable... If you delve into what united us in the past, was the forceful Ankoku Bujutsukai and our will to defend the ningenkai. The situation will repeat itself." Kurama stated coldly.
That wasn't really his ideal idea of a reunion, although it'd be nice of he'd get to go full out in a fight again... "Eh, don't sound so negative. You'll get t'pass out juice boxes again. And give me an' Kuwabara time outs', and get Hiei his favorite band-aids, hahah." Yuusuke smirked, straightening up and rubbing a crik out of his back as he looked at the red-head, "That ain't my idea of a get t'gether though, Kurama...Either way, you uh, mind if I hung around a little? Don't feel so pissy here, an' all."
Yuusuke's presence could result conflictive for Kuronue, but he trusted the possibility of keeping him oblivious to the situation. "You are more than welcome," lips curved into warm smile, impaired with his gaze..
"Mm, cool...Guess I'd have ta'go back to Ma's and get some stuff t'tide me over, huh? Anyone else here I should know'bout?" Another look around, as if someone might appear from the shadows, then Yuusuke turned around to hop down off the 'porch', "I'll be back soon then, I guess." It'd do him good to get away from the city for awhile. Yeah, it would...It better.
"This is a temple for spiritual development, and meditation, similar to what Genkai had. It is up to you... for how long you wish to stay. However, you might find yourself cleaning the temple or assisting with the maintenance. Simple duties as a payment for the visit." Kurama explained removing his gaze from the young mazoku.
"Like I ain't done chores before? I clean better then Keiko would, Kurama." Yuusuke scoffed over his shoulder, but smiled all the same as he took the stairs down from the temple two at a time. Maybe he could manage to talk to somebody and get them to come along, Keiko'd be a bad idea...Ma----ybe Kuwabara, or..Someone, TCH did he really only have two people in the Ningenkai? Sad... Besides that, he was sure there was something about Kurama taht was different. Maybe he'd cut his hair or something.
"So Keiko has been troubling you more than one would imagine," Kurama replied, offering him a sly smile. "But this temple is a place for solitude, however you can ask anyone to come... Though it makes me wonder why would you seek something like this. So far away from what you used to enjoy... Unless you are seeking to discover something... within?"
Hadn't even made it down five steps before the dark haired man had to pause, Tch, Kurama-- He turned, resisting the urge to wag a finger the redhead's way. "Hell, I dunno!" Hands raised in the air, Yuusuke shook his head. Really, he didn't have any idea. All it was...Well, like he had admitted, he was lonely. Kuwabara wasn't around (he had always been), Keiko...Made him feel a bit, B I T guilty, and everyone else was everyone else. They weren't the same as his bestest buddy and childhood friend... "Maybe I'll have t'have you pick my brain, oh wise Kurama-san."
"Well, I could gladly advice. I suppose I have some experience that would be helpful." Dark feelings creeping once more, cold, uncaring, manipulative. "Feel free to tell me what you think... Perhaps this is related to your demonic lineage... correct me if I am mistaken."
Yeah-- Nah," One hand waved in dismissal, then the Mazoku raised both to his head. Forefingers pointed like horns and he stuck out his tounge for a moment and then shrugged as his hands were stuffed into his jeans pockets.. "If it was, wouldn't I be gettin' all blood thirsty, wantin' a kid or something? I mean....I feel just the same. I'm no different, still just 'Yuusuke'. Then 'gain, guess I feel... Like I'm supposed t'be doing SOMETHIN' big soon, ya know?"
"Probably... Though you must consider it is a process. You do not turn into a youkai from one day to another. You could begin experiencing certain symptoms and hints before any change. Each race is different, and each being receives the influence in unique ways." The kitsune replied, the words imbued in his serenity, capturing that dubiousness in Yuusuke's demeanor. He could tell the other was confused.
"Really? Figured since my bodies' already all...Well, y'know, youkai, all that was over and done with!" It wasn't so much confusion as actually not knowing. If he had as many years under his belt as Kurama, nothing would suprise Yuusuke. But he was a (recently human) teenaged kid, that was worried about the path his furute was taking and the things that seemed to be getting left behind. "...As long as I ain't gonna start eating people, or go jump their bones, I'm fine with that though. ...Hope I ain't gonna get all emotional and shit. Be pretty lame to go sobbin' to Kuwabara over being lonely, hahaha."
"I cannot predict what will happen to you... If there will be any transformation or not, but I can promise to assist you with anything you need." The cold smile curved into his lips, so natural that seemed almost genuine, except for the fact it did not translate into his eyes.
"Yeah, ya' are. And that's not like you. Even when you got 'stressed' out before-- At least WHEN I saw ya' get stressed out, it wasn't often!" Or at least, once he could recall in clear memory. Maybe there had been other times, but Yuusuke wasn't really the very attentive type. Well...He could change! And, Kurama had listened to his woes, so he would try and return the favor. "C'mon," The darker teen smirked, elbowing Kurama playfully,"What's wrong, you can tell me. Although, doubt I could help out much, haha."
A vicious smile tugged at the corner of his lips, but a hollow stare returned Yuusuke's friendly words. "I am not under pressure... Let us say our group is erratic and disorganized. Regardless that, I should congratulate you for becoming so ...perceptive, could it be a new trait?"
"Pfft, hahaha, come on. You don't gotta go pickin' on little old me!" One eyebrow arched to his hairline, and the smirk on his face widened. Getting anything NEAR an insult from Kurama was something new. "And if I could help it, I'd be draggin' everyone HERE and makin' them stay until this was all over with, y'know."
The kitsune chuckled lowly and smiled at the raven haired teen. "I am just teasing..." he trailed off coldly. "We are indeed a numerous group with many... perhaps too many.. differences. If Yomi does not defeat us, our own allies will."
"Yeah, well...If any one of those idiots tries anything-- We've kicked their asses before, we can do it again." It was a fact, and Yuusuke flexed one hand into a fist and shook it in the air, "Plus, I've wanted t'give one of those guys a swift kick ta'th' balls for a while now. I'd get an excuse, I hope they do!"
The redhead chuckled again, certainly liking the idea, his index finger resting on his bottom lip. "If you did it, no one would stop you," Kurama replied, certainly inviting him to do so.
"Haha, well...I ain't gonna name names, but I'd even like t'give Kuwabara a kick...Tch, I can't wait fer this to get over with!" He couldn't help but exclaim, both hands balled into fists, eyes shining. "I mean, I like gettn' to fight and all, but even *I* wanna have things back ta'normal, you know? I bet that'd help you out too!"
"It is true... certain things change, and you cannot attempt to live in the past. Some can remain... but others cannot. You must learn to differentiate between those, Yuusuke." Kurama replied in a warmer tone. The ice within seemed to waver at the memory of those days which seemed so distant but truly were not.
"I know that. And I can tell--- I can! I'm just pretty sure that once this's over with, some stuff'll go back to normal." No, he really did believe once it was over and done with, everything would be normal again. Just like every other time things had been all fucked up, after it was settled down, EVERYTHING had been oaky again. BUT, he wasn't going to tell Kurama that, the redhead would probably just give him another verbal finger-wagging. "Anyway, you look less...Well, like y'have some stick up yer ass now. And that's good! SOOOO, why not show me where I'm gonna be sleeping? ..Got anything to eat around?"
"I would not blame you if my behavior seems... slightly different. As I told you before there are certain matters which worry me, but it is not important." It seemed as if Yuusuke was uneasy to remark what he saw, therefore he had changed the conversation's direction evidently. But Kurama followed his intent "Follow me please," he said with a simple smile.
Glad that conversation about...Whatever it had been about was over, he was pretty sure what he had meant and what Kurama had meant were two different things. Whatever. As long as Kurama wasn't dying or anything, it was all good. Following the redhead in silence, Yuusuke didn't even bother looking around. If you saw one temple you'd seen them all. "So...You here all alone? Or not, I ain't got any idea what yer even up here FOR."
"There are other residents indeed. I retired myself because I.... Needed time to heal my injuries and meditate." Even there were times when he was absolutely aware his presence could result dangerous for his family. But there were others... When such hazard was of little importance, as if jaded with coldness. "You will do exactly the same?" Kurama asked innocently, but teasing him.
That's all? That...Sounds boring as all hell." A slightly crestfallen look crossed Yuusuke's face before he let out a huffed breath through his nose and shrugged, "Eh, maybe I DO need it. Even if it sounds--- No offense, really lame." Yeah, maybe it would help. Sitting around and thinking over shit. maybe. Hopefully. "Who else's around then? No body I'd wanna, you know, kick in th'nuts?"
His gaze froze in Yuusuke's chocolate brown eyes. "Two monks and another resident, the counselor who worked at school. I do not think you know him, but he is a reserved person. Besides them, no one else.
"Oh. Your school? As long as he doesn't try'n tell me what to do, I'm fine with that." Another shrug, and Yuusuke repressed the urge to ask if there was anything to do and resolved to simply spend the time he was there training. It couldn't hurt. Although at the moment, a yawn was trying to get out of him, and the darker teen had to ask, "Well, I'll have t'ahe you introduce us. After I get some sleep, if ya' don't mind."
Kurama caught himself blinking once "Are you planning to spend the night here already? I thought you planned to do so ...tomorrow. Once you packed your clothes. And I would have to talk to the keepers as well." Yuusuke seemed to be acting too fast, as if he had some urge or curiosity. "How peculiar, you dislike the idea of meditation yet you are eager to stay," he teased again.
Okay, so he had forgotten. Oh well, "...Yeah... Ahaha, well, guess I'll just have t'crash at Ma's then get all packed! Unless you just don't want me here *tonight*?" Brows arched nearly to his hairline, and Yuusuke couldn't help the smirk crawling over his face as he stared at the redhead. He was teasing, of course, but if Kurama took it seriously..Well, that'd be something else to nag him about. "You wanna be...Alone, huh? Ehhh?"
The redhead forced a smile upon his features "Yuusuke, you act as if you did not know me. I do enjoy your presence, though it is clear it would be too quick to simply settle yourself in this room without notifying the monks. They are kind and gentle, but that would be impolite...."
"Oh, sure. Monks. Right." Not able to help but chuckle even a little, maybe a titter, Yuusuke waved a hand in the air, as if dismissing whatever Kurama thought. "I'll leave you t'tell the...Monks, just gimme a time I should show up tomorrow and I will." It was fun to at least get something LIKE A rise out of Kurama. Like..Getting a nun to swear, or something of the like.
His gaze followed Yuusuke calmly "I do not know if I should tell them you will be staying for a long time. Knowing Keiko... you will not last alone here for long," he remarked wryly, with full teasing intent.
"That is relative, besides I am not involved in any relationship, am I?" The same sly mien grazing through him. Kurama took some steps away, picking up a small pile of folded robes, "Must return this to the room, and it is getting late, Keiko and your mother will wonder where you are."
Turning away so Kurama wouldn't catch Yuusuke rolling his eyes, the darker teen scoffed and paused to scratch at his nose. "Yeah, yeah, sure they'd be real sore at me. But yeah, see ya' in a few days-- An' thanks, I suppose, fer letting me stay here for awhile." Yeah, he wouldn't go off on some cry-baby tangent, Kurama was nice enough to listen to his silly little issues anyway. Turning back to flash a grin Kurama's way, Yuusuke waved a hand, "I'll...Call? Before I come over, if you got a phone up here?"
"I brought the mobile phone with me, just in case kaa-san needed something." Kurama replied as he glanced over his shoulder, even if he could not see it, he could imagine Yuusuke twitching at the mention of Keiko and 'relationship' together in the same sentence. "I think you have my number, correct me if I am mistaken."
"Er, pretty sure I've got it written down somewhere, so that'll be fine. I'll get goin' then-- See ya' later!" With that, the dark haired man turned around and briskly walked away, sighing into the crisp night air. Really, this'd do good by him. Probably. Hopefully, and at the least get his mind off of everything. Yeah, that would work...