it's 700 Title: Sunburned Series: Tsubasa - Horitsuba-verse Characters: Kurogane, Fay, Yuui, mention of Yuuko Prompt: joasakura: "Horitsuba Gakuen: the twins go to the beach. With Kuro :)"
thank you C: I'm glad you thought so :) I'm so sorry I never replied to this DX I can't think of what I was doing - I usually at least reply in some way.
I really like how they speak a made-up language, and Yuui cuddling up to Kurogane, and of course Fai would be completely stupid about being sunburnt... just awww~! ♥
the 'made-up language' is just Kurogane being very Japanese about foreign things tbh xD but they would be so adorable if they had their own twin made up language >w<
Comments 8
:giggling!!: <3!!!!!!!
I really like how they speak a made-up language, and Yuui cuddling up to Kurogane, and of course Fai would be completely stupid about being sunburnt... just awww~! ♥
the 'made-up language' is just Kurogane being very Japanese about foreign things tbh xD but they would be so adorable if they had their own twin made up language >w<
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