Title: Skinny Love
Characters: Kuro/Fai, Tomoyo, mention of Souma
Anonymous AU (could be Horitsuba, could not be)
Warnings: no spoilers, character death
Rating / Genre: G+ / Angst
Fai’s arms wrapped around Kurogane’s waist from behind. He had lost so much weight recently that he may as well have not been there at all. )
Comments 43
The end it's sad--- i can't handle the idea that one of tham can go on without the other.. it would be no life at all, not for them...
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I'm going to go cry in a corner now. You wrote it very, very well. With all the right little touches that scream Fai and Kurogane. Because it does make sense to me that Kurogane wouldn't quite let Fai go until that point. Not until he had a better good bye. And I'm crying again. Thank you for writing it.
I'm glad you enjoyed it and thankyou for such a nice comment ;w; I got such sadistic pleasure from including those two lines as hidden dramatic irony, you wouldn't believe it xD
I understand your nervousness;;; When I first joined LJ I was too scared to post my stuff to comms and such because I didn't think anybody would want to see them, but everyone in the KF comms are so nice and helpful, and there are lots of readers that will give really in-depth critiques if you ask for them. The way I thought of it was; If I never take the chance, I'll never have the opportunity to improve. All of us here are still learning and improving, and that's through the feedback of others :3
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