Betty Crocker

Jul 19, 2011 22:01

Been so buuuusy butnotreallyorz I totally made a huge chocolate marble cake today~ when I should have been updating mum's website BUT NO MATTER WHO CARES SHE CAN JUST LEARN FLASH HERSELF HURRRR

I need to learn to eat non-sugary stuff while my parents aren't here. You wouldn't think I was nearly 20 would you? but anyway

I've had a really good idea in my mind that I'm just shaping all the cogs for~ So I'm hoping I get all my other obsessy stuff out of the way so that I write it before the idea consumes me X__X they tend to do that. I have a nice little idea and it just like... eats about five Christmas dinners and ends up HUGE and I decide to not write it because I never finish huge stuff. Hurr.

Speaking of other obsessy crap, I have just discovered 'Prop Search' servers on Team Fortress 2. NEVER thought hide and seek could be so fun, even when you're just spectating.

There really is nothing like sitting back, minding your business cus you're a crate or a bucket or something, and then suddenly a huge tree on fire just slides past being chased by about three dozen Pyros.

Valve should make it an official part of the game. even the Mario Kart map version.

Also been messing about in 3DS Max today trying to animate Scootypants into doing some MLG keepy-uppy tricks. Animating in 3DS Max is like coding - it's really difficult and a million things can go wrong but even so the slightest progression is like a victory and it's just... really rewarding like that C: #nerd

SO ANYWAY if I don't get the hang of Max I can at least use it as some kind of pose referencer. espectially seeing as I got it for free legally

Oh, while I'm here:

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s:teamfortress2, 3dsmax, c:scout, misc, life

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