Title: Cafe Latte Love Author: Of course me (Yuuki-chan~) Pairing: YutoYama, OkaChii, slight! TakaYama Rating: PG Genre: Friendship, Fluff, Romance, Angst Summary: Bitter and sweet of our love~ That's the begin of our love story~
Yabai!!!...O_o Ryosuke nooooo~....π_π What will happend to him? What will Yuto do now ??!....>o< Hope is it a happy ending....T_T Waiting for the next...>3<
but it's have been tell by Yabu-kun that he had......... i don't want to say it... but,i too hope so that it's not a serious diseases... will update..~~
Comments 13
I don't know what to say T_T I just feel sad about yamada I hope he will be fine and he wouldn't have to suffer with a bad disease
I will be waiting for the next chapter
Arigatoo Yuuki chan and otsukarisamadishta ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ
Arigatou for reading Nee-chan..
P/s: I really miss talking with you Nee-chan.. TT^TT
How are you doing this days ?! And how it is your exams?!
I missed you so much (T_T)
u still hv to listen to Yuto-kun explanation
luff u Yuuki-chan, thank u for updating this, //smooches// :3
Doitee Aoi-chan.. /hug you/
Ryosuke nooooo~....π_π
What will happend to him? What will Yuto do now ??!....>o<
Hope is it a happy ending....T_T
Waiting for the next...>3<
Yuto:i will do anything for Yama-chan..
Hai haii..
Will update it..
hope yama-chan don't have any serious disease (T人T*)
waiting for the next~~ XD
but,i too hope so that it's not a serious diseases...
will update..~~
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