Title: School Library Pairing: YutoYama Rating: PG Genre: Fluffy Summary: What will happen when two guys are trapped on their school library when they were so busy search some information for their assignment? Type: Drabble
sorry for the really really late reply... i suggest not to bother this two love birds since the really in rabu-rabu moment... hehe... (ç¬ÂºÏºç¬)â¡ tyanks for commenting... â¤í ¼í¾µ
and I'm always dreaming about you Ryo-chan... *hug him ightly* yeah, give the one who closed the door a credit... *throws confetti* sorry for the late reply... really late... thanks for dropping by akd commentikg... (⊙♡⊙)☆♥
and I'm always dreaming about you Ryo-chan... *hug him ightly* yeah, give the one who closed the door a credit... *throws confetti* sorry for the late reply... really late... thanks for dropping by and commenting... (⊙♡⊙)☆♥
Comments 11
/kicked by Yuto/
/still want to hug them/
i suggest not to bother this two love birds since the really in rabu-rabu moment...
hehe... (ç¬ÂºÏºç¬)â¡
tyanks for commenting... â¤í ¼í¾µ
Hihihi Ryochan's one sided love was returned :D
the two of them really lucky...
sorry for the super duper late reply...
thanks for dropping by and commenting... ♪
It just me who always dreaming to get a lover like Yuto *cries*
it's cute, oh yes credit to the one who closed the library,
if not, yutoyama wont be together XDD
yeah, give the one who closed the door a credit... *throws confetti*
sorry for the late reply... really late...
thanks for dropping by akd commentikg... (⊙♡⊙)☆♥
yeah, give the one who closed the door a credit... *throws confetti*
sorry for the late reply... really late...
thanks for dropping by and commenting... (⊙♡⊙)☆♥
sorry for the really really late reply....
thanks for droppng by and commentikg! ☆☆
I like it I really did ❤️
I will be waiting for your fics ☺️
Arigatoo Yuuki chan and otsukarisamadishta 😘
sorry for the really late reply, nee-chan...
thanks for reading and commenting... (ヾノ・ω・`)
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